
  1. 但吴为保存实力,坐视张之垮台而不加援手。

    But Wu did nothing in order to save his own strength .

  2. 透过林张之争看国有企业的改革之路

    To seek for the reformatory road of state owned enterprises by looking through the dispute between lin and zhang

  3. 在清代不同的历史时期,乡绅势力对基层社会的控制,呈现出逐渐加强的趋势,形成了前所未有的绅权大张之势。

    The control of the rural intellectual class upon the bottom society showed a tendency during different historic times in the Qing Dynasty .

  4. 她弄到了一张首映之夜的请柬。

    She had wangled an invitation to the opening night .

  5. 距我只有三张课桌之遥的同学,全都扭头看了我一眼。

    Everyone within a three-seat radius turned to look at me .

  6. 名列这张名单之首的,便是美国人的饮食。

    Topping the list was the American diet .

  7. 特蕾莎就坐在几张课桌之遥的位置,很可能以为他是个傻瓜。

    Teresa sat a few desks away , no doubt thinking he was a fool .

  8. 只要调整到自动模式,按下快门,分分钟就有成百上千张完美之作出现在相机屏幕中。

    People set them to auto mode and click the shutter before , all of a sudden , hundreds of ideal photos appear on the screen .

  9. 数码相机带来了前所未有的拍摄效率。只要调整到自动模式,按下快门,分分钟就有成百上千张完美之作出现在相机屏幕中。

    Digital cameras provide unprecedented efficiency . People set them to auto mode and click the shutter before , all of a sudden , hundreds of ideal photos appear on the screen .

  10. 拥有一张欧洲之星车票,你就可以去到巴黎北站、里尔、加莱弗和丹、马恩拉瓦莱。乘坐这趟列车,你可以去探索迪斯尼主题公园,甚至去到布鲁塞尔南站。

    With a Eruostar Ticket , you could go to Paris Gare-du Nord , Lille-Europe , Calais-Fr é thun , Marne-la-Vall é e to discover Disneyland theme park or even to Brussels Zuid .

  11. 此时此刻,我站在各位面前,正值你们即将离开这所伟大的学府,即将踏入你们的人生,人生脚本还是一张白纸之际,我深感荣幸。

    Its an honor for me to stand before you today just at the moment when you are leaving this great University and about to step into your life , the script of which is yet to be written .

  12. 我们三个人我最年长,李次之,张又次之。

    Of the three of us , I am the eldest , li is younger , and Zhang is the youngest .

  13. 我在这里贴了几张这次中国之行的照片。

    Here are a few photos from my trip .

  14. 您好!我想办一张贵行之牡丹信用卡。

    Hello ! I want to have a Peony Credit Card of your bank .

  15. 一纸公务员的录用书可不是一张踏入致富之门的门票。

    A job offer in the civil service is not a ticket for a gravy train .

  16. 张希会墓志的发现,不仅弥补了史书的不足,而且确定了张氏祖茔之所在。

    The epitaph not only made up the historical materials but also offered us the location of ancestral grave of the Zhangs .

  17. 作业时通过预紧超起张索使之与超起撑杆和吊臂形成了一个三角形稳定结构,从而改善吊臂的受力状态。

    It can improve the force situation of crane jib by means of a triangle stable structure with super-lift pole and crane boom formed by preloading super-lift rope .

  18. 煤矿井巷所揭露的构造为燕山早期所形成,其主压结构面近南北向,两组斜交剪断面为北东及南东向,并有一组张断面与之直交。

    The structures exposed in the mining shafts are considered to have formed in early Yanshanian Period , their principal compressional structural plane trending nearly meridional , two crossed shear fault planes trending northeast and southeast , which are directly crossed by a set of tensile fault plane .

  19. 三张《仲夏夜之梦》的票。

    Three tickets for the Mid Summer Night 's Dream .

  20. 这张椅子可谓奢华之极品。

    This chair is the ultimate in luxury .

  21. 西晋末期王浚集团、张轨集团兴衰之比较

    The comparison of Wang-Jun Group and Zhang-gui Group 's rise and fall in the final phase of Xi-jin

  22. 这种结构就像一张巨型的弹性之网,它可以在很大的程度上消减革命与改良的绩效。

    This structure resembles a colossal of elastic net . It can reduce the ameliorating achievement and effect in very big degree .

  23. ■字从鱼从■,会意,像两手张网以捕鱼之形。

    The word "■" is subordinate to fish and "■" . understood as a shape of net of dual tactics to fish .

  24. 本章着重简述张之洞之生平经历,以对张氏做知人论世之评述。

    This chapter focuses on the life experiences Zhang briefly , to do the Review for Zhang , " Reflection of Life " .

  25. 山水抒愤范式的确立&张说山水诗之审美价值试探

    Paradigm Establishment of " Expressing Grievances through Lyrics of Mountain and River Scenes " & An Exploration into the Aesthetic Values of the Landscape Poetry of Zhang Yue

  26. 结果:受刺激侧之鼻分泌液中感觉神经胜的含量会依高张性盐溶液之浓度升高而增加,而对侧无反应性增加。

    Results : There was in increasing trend of substance P concentration in nasal secretion , correlating to the concentration of hypertonic saline in the stimulated nasal cavity .

  27. 无粘结预应力梁不同张拉束的张拉力相互影响之研究

    Study on the Interrelationship between Tensions in Different Tensioned Tendons of Unbounded and Prestressed Beams

  28. 艾咪:我知道。我就是喜欢那样!我有一张零利率跟两张利率百分之七的!

    Amy : I know . I love that ! I 've got one at zero percent and two at seven !