
  • 网络Fritsch;Carsten Fritsch;Fritch
  1. 伦敦牛津街塞尔弗里奇百货公司已经开始接受银联卡支付。

    The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards .

  2. 塞尔弗里奇试图让他的商店成为一个目的地:里面将配备一个图书馆、休息室、一间静室(SilenceRoom)和一个有屋顶的花园。

    Selfridge intended to make his store a destination : it was to have a library , lounges , a Silence Room and a roof garden .

  3. 1907年,塞尔弗里奇与亚历山大·格雷厄姆·贝尔一起工作,试飞了巨型的四面体风筝小天鹅1号(CygnetI)。他还驾驶过一架名为红翅的实验飞机,成为了为军队设计螺旋桨的公认的专家。

    In 1907 , Selfridge worked with Alexander Graham Bell and test-piloted a huge , tetrahedral kite called the Cygnet I. He also flew an experimental airplane , Red Wing , and became an acknowledged expert in propeller design for the Army .

  4. 塞尔弗里奇引入了改良后的牙刷,和四分之一缩尺的衬衫。

    Selfridge brought in improved toothbrushes , and shirts in quarter-sizes .

  5. 据弗里奇说,史蒂文森的情绪是再低不过了。

    Stevenson 's morale , Fritchey said , was lower than ever .

  6. 然而,塞尔弗里奇正开始丧失这份天分。

    But the genius was starting to desert him .

  7. 塞尔弗里奇的创新彻底改革了零售业。

    And the boss 's innovations transformed retailing .

  8. 我背了一个环保时尚袋,穿着吴塞尔弗里奇靴子还有环保时尚的衣服。

    I 'm wearing an ASOS dress with an ASOS bag and Miss Selfridge boots .

  9. 不幸的是,塞尔弗里奇的策略有些过火。

    Unfortunately , Selfridge had overdone it .

  10. 莱特受伤,塞尔弗里奇被甩进飞机框架,头盖骨破裂。

    The impact injured Wright and threw Selfridge into the frame , fracturing his skull .

  11. 1918年,塞尔弗里奇的妻子逝世;6年后,他敬爱的母亲去世。

    But in 1918 , Selfridge 's wife died ; six years later , his beloved mother .

  12. 当时的人们对塞尔弗里奇的一个结论是:“周一到周五的天才,一到周末,他就疯了。”

    " A genius from Monday to Friday , " was one contemporary verdict . " Every weekend he goes mad . "

  13. 这款化妆模拟器目前在日本各大百货公司巡回展示,并将于5月27号回到伦敦的塞尔弗里奇百货公司。

    The make-up simulator is currently on a roadshow of department stores across the country and will return to Selfridges in London on May27 .

  14. “感觉没了-那些隐藏的感觉里的谎言-跟配偶实际上出去和别人见面是一样痛苦的。”弗里奇说。

    " The emotional loss the lies that have hidden the emotional connection is just as painful as if their spouse had actually gone out and met with someone ," Fritsch says .

  15. 作为塞尔弗里奇的最爱,詹妮得到了大量宝石。当她在巴黎时,塞尔弗里奇每天会从他的商店空运冰激凌给她,并为她的宠物狗送上鸡胸肉。

    Jenny , his favourite , was showered with emeralds ; and when she was in France , Selfridge air-freighted ice-cream daily from the shop with the breast of a chicken for her dog .