
nònɡ ɡān
  • dry;dry off
  1. MrsWilliams回答,那它能把他们弄干然后放到柜子里吗?

    Mrs Williams answered , and does it dry them and put them in the cupboard too ?

  2. 她该如何更快地把校鞋弄干?

    What should she do to dry the shoes faster ?

  3. 是的,他可以,MrsWilliams回答,他弄干碗碟后会把他们放好。

    Yes , he does , Mrs Williams answered , He dries the dishes and puts them away .

  4. hodgins把页面弄干并且分开了。

    Hodgins dried out and separated the pages .

  5. 通过暴露在阳光下弄干或弄硬的;没有烧热的。

    Baked or hardened by exposure to sunlight ; not burned .

  6. 我要在那儿弄干墙壁,一间新麦当劳。

    I 'm doin'the drywall up there at the new mcdonald 's.

  7. 每隔几个小时重复使用,但要先冲洗并弄干皮肤。

    Reapply every few hours , rinsing and drying the skin beforehand .

  8. 这两种弄干头发的方法都各有优缺点。

    Both ways of drying the hair have their advantages and disadvantages .

  9. 她清洗了试管,并把它们弄干了。

    She washed the test tubes and she dried them .

  10. 我和我的同事几乎一整天都在弄干衣服。

    My coworkers and I spent most of the day drying off .

  11. 在你把箱子拿上去以前先弄干水。

    Take that rain off those cases before you take them up .

  12. 把食物弄干贮藏以备将来食用。

    Foods are dehydrated to conserve them for future us .

  13. 这里有很多种把玉米捧弄干、储存以备后用的方法。

    There are different ways to dry and store popcorn for future use .

  14. 你最多只需要3秒钟就能把手弄干。

    You dried your hands in three seconds maximum .

  15. 他们弄干了所有衣服以便小孩今晚能穿。

    They have all the clothes so that children can wear them tonight .

  16. 吊在一棵树上全部弄干。

    All hung on a tree to dry .

  17. 让我们去那把衣服弄干吧。

    Let 's go there and dry off .

  18. 如果你想用这块木头,你必须把它弄干。

    If you want to use this wood , you must dry it out .

  19. 清除乌鸦的哭叫声,把这衣服弄干。

    Clean crows cry , clean clothes dry .

  20. 我们必须把这些毛巾弄干。

    We must dry these towels off .

  21. 谁正在弄干她的头发?好了,说出来,是谁干的?

    Who is drying her hair ? Come on , cough up : who did it ?

  22. 必须成批地一次把所有面皮都弄干。

    You may need to do this in batches to finish drying all of the lasagna .

  23. (指面包和馅饼)通过加热弄干、弄熟(例如在烤箱里)。

    ( of bread and pastries ) cooked by dry heat ( as in an oven ) .

  24. 如果不马上停下来弄干,你会患上一些天气疾病。

    You don 't stop and dry yourself off , you could end up with some weather injuries .

  25. 既没有瓦斯也没有微-烤箱在1980年代中,和我们藉由燃烧烹调弄干树叶或树树枝。

    There was neither gas nor micro-oven in1980s , and we cooked by burning dried leaves or tree branches .

  26. 但是,用毛巾在头发上摩擦来弄干头发会导致头发的毛糙和损伤。

    Nonetheless , rubbing the towel on your hair to dry them up would cause hair frizz and damage .

  27. 我想他把衣服放起来之前没有把它们好好地弄干&小知怎的,总有股霉味。

    I don 't think he lets his clothes dry properly before he puts them away somehow they always smell fusty .

  28. 我希望自己能找到一座房子,能在那儿弄干衣服并找点东西吃。

    I was hoping to find a house , where I could dry my clothes , and get something to eat .

  29. 破产,在这情况,方法现金的弄干流程,或流程净利,或被除数。

    Bankruptcy , in this case , means drying up of cash flow , or flow of net profits , or dividend .

  30. 如果小孩在晚上确实尿床了,这所机构的专家建议家长让小孩帮忙弄干。

    If children do have an accident at night , the experts of the clinic say parents should let them help clean up .