- 网络Kailuan Coal Mine;Colliery

CONCLUSION : Hereditary factor plays an important role in the development of EH and AGT gene may be one of the most key susceptibility genes of EH in Han populations of Kailuan coal mine .
A Study on Karstic Subsided Column Development Characteristics and Regular Patterns
The grey interrelation analysis and tend prediction on the safety accident in Kailuan Coal Mine
Damage to structures and installations in the underground excavations of the Kailuan colliery during the Tangshan earthquake
The Kailuan Coal Mine is the one of the most famous enterprises in Chinese modern history .
Thus the Tangshan Administration of KMA developed a new type of double arm-full section-auto sampling machine used in coal flow sampling on a belt conveyer .
Combining with the current situation of the railroad signal system , it expounds the conditions of the preventive repair of the railway ′ s signal equipment .
Behind the prosperous production and management of modern Kailuan Mines , coal calamities broke out constantly and were hard to stop , and the heavy casualties were astonishing .
The article takes the man-machine environment system in Kailuan Coal Mines as the object of study to make the grey interrelation analysis for coal mine accidents and related factors by integrating the Grey System Theory with actual coal mine production .
Analysis and tendency prediction of coal mine safety relativity in Kailuan Mining Area
Theory and practice of comprehensive mine water prevention and control technology for mines in Kailuan Mining Area
The writer introduce the technological transformation of the existing system based on the PLC and the effection .