- 名Cayman Islands

Money that was meant to have trickled down has instead evaporated in the agreeable climate of the Cayman Islands .
The private equity fund buys preferred stock in the Cayman Islands parent company .
The related Axam Investments was a Cayman Islands-registered fund overseen by Axes that received the payments from Olympus .
At the same time , under Cayman Islands law , Ma has a duty of care and loyalty to public shareholders .
They are domiciled mainly in the Cayman Islands and have a series of contracts that " simulate " ownership in the Chinese company .
Paris , meanwhile , lost eight points and fell to 20th place , and offshore centres such as Jersey and the Cayman Islands continued their slide .
Ultimately seven customers of MCI were defrauded over a six-month period , resulting in $ 6m in payments to accounts in the Cayman Islands .
Earlier this month , the Cayman Islands Grand Court granted a petition on behalf of three funds managed by Hong Kong-based Maso Capital to have Chinese movie distributor Bona Film liquidated .
Due to unpleasant changes in legislation or tax policy in some offshore havens we no longer recommend and offer corporations and banking in the following jurisdictions : Cayman Islands and The Bahamas .
The Cayman Islands are poised to break with decades of secrecy by opening thousands of companies and hedge funds domiciled on the offshore Caribbean territory to greater scrutiny .
In a filing to the SEC , actions semiconductor , a Nasdaq-listed , Cayman incorporated Chinese company , for instance noted that it might be impossible to bring an action against directors or the company if shareholder rights were infringed .
Woodford then discovered that two advisory companies axes America of New York and its Cayman Islands subsidiary axam investments received $ 687 million in fees through cash , warrants and preferred shares .
Many of the funds are registered in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands , but slightly more than half of the ADB money they have invested is in China and India .
Switzerland is joining at least 44 nations in signing the agreement , which includes other OECD members , the G20 group of leading countries and offshore centres such as the Cayman Islands and Jersey .
Until recently most investments by private equity firms were made via offshore special purpose vehicles set up with their Chinese targets , often in tax havens such as the Cayman Islands .
It would mean becoming a sort of greater Cayman Islands , a tax haven and offshore shelter , as far as the other Europeans would tolerate it , with very little influence inside the continent or in the rest of the world .
In 1909 , Slocum left the East Coast of the United States and headed to Grand Cayman for the winter . Slocum was never heard from or seen again . He wasn 't declared legally dead until 1924 .
New proposals from the islands ' all-powerful Cayman Islands Monetary Authority , however , will make for a significant departure from past form .
Genewatch UK also released a report last December about Oxitec and the Grand Cayman trials in which it claimed the company was driven to excessive speed by a poor financial situation .
People lost so much money last year and they are so desperate to recoup their losses , that they are willing to invest in anything , said Brad Golding , portfolio manager of CRC Financials Opportunity hedge fund in the Cayman Islands .
HKMA introduced new anti-money laundering guidelines in 2012 but said it had not asked banks not to open accounts for corporate customers that are domiciled , incorporated or trade in a particular jurisdiction , such as the British Virgin Islands or Cayman Islands .
Any offshore restructuring would have to be agreed in Hong Kong , home for many of the creditors , the Cayman Islands , where the company was registered , and New York & the legal jurisdiction for the bonds themselves .
Vita Pedrazzi , a former fashion manager at Harrods in London who now lives in the Canary Islands , said she used to be the sort of beauty obsessive who would slap on makeup to take out the trash , in part because of her sheepishness over her acne .
Funds such as Maso claim that these companies have been bought with the intention to relist them in China at a much higher price and are seeking to use the Cayman Island courts to compel the companies to pay more to former minority shareholders .
What about a Chinese-owned vehicle registered in the Cayman Islands ?
They found the Cayman account I set up for you in 2002 .
My doctor 's playing golf in the Caymans .
Alongside banking , hedge funds are the Caymans ' biggest financial business .
Established in2000 , we are a Cayman Islands company strategically located in China .
Swiss banks are meanwhile offering renminbi bond funds domiciled in the Cayman Islands .