
Development of a study on properties of building materials containing phase change materials
The applicants shall be experienced in designing projects with similar functions and nature ;
Via combining elements guided by certain rules , facades indicate the nature and the features of the buildings and identify the space for activity .
The quality of the sacred building site in the middle stratum of Tashan , Songzhe culture is very important for the study on the origin of the altar of Liangzhu culture .
A Study on Property and Design of Construction Interface
This paper introduces briefly the characteristics of suspension building structures , and proposes a new concept of suspension ratio which expresses the relationship between the suspension section area and the core tube section area .
Most ancient platforms in China have a history for hundreds of years . Influenced by those factors such as natural action , human activity , and so on , all ancient platforms generally experienced great changes in the mechanical properties of their structural members and materials .
This paper expounds China 's guild 's construction character , function and institutional exchange & economics analysis .
Variation in Wood Bending Properties of Exotic Loblolly Pine Provenances for Building Lumber and Their Relationships to Tree Age , Tree Growth and Wood Density
The characteristic , target market , competitor and supplier of the main industry such as drilling , exploration , well-logging , cementing and construction .
Based on above study , this dissertation describes the characters of architectural meta-language qualitatively , and brings forward own conception of possible forms of meta-language .
We gain an important enlightenment from this archaeological discovery on the research for the age and character of the stone fortress and other related stone buildings .
To consider the Chinese intrinsic-style architecture as the cultural phenomenon , to reveal its inherent contradictions , the political and cultural origins , the inevitability of its evolution to the modern architecture .
In the forth chapter , a compilation between third-party mechanism and architecture-lead mode is given under simple value system and complex one from the angle of the nature of the work , knowledge background , evaluation mechanism , the efficiency and effect of programming .
The economic base decide the generation , character and way of superstructure . The adverse effect of superstructure give service to the character and requirement of economic base . The law determines the reform of superstructure , and the layout and direction of reform .
Introduced the course property of the city planning , the city design and building design , pointing out should pay attention to the guide line of the city planning , obeying the principle of city planning and city design to carry on the building design creations .
The work for construction of historic building can be divided into cultural relics ' and non-cultural relics ' .
The construction designer should put great importance to use the fuzziness to do building creation work .
Ancient Chinese architectural art , as a system entity among Chinese culture , shown the artistic beauty of harmony and unity by means of Building group layout and interior environment settings .
Mr Choa also argues that western attitudes to current Chinese construction mirror European responses to the 1890s boom in New York , mixing fascination with " an undercurrent of contempt for the naivety of some of the new Chinese buildings " .
The statistics of architectural engineering project cost are collected , accumulated and generalized by engineers through their valuable experience . These statistics afford a sound basis for macro-administration and policy-making and , also , can be employed as essential resources for the study of economic characteristics of architectural engineering .