
jiàn dǎnɡ wěi yè
  • Beginning of The Great Revival;The Founding of a Party
  1. 令人印象更加深刻的是,172位与中国有关系的明星签约出演《建党伟业》,据导演所说,出演的报酬还没有员工中午盒饭的费用多。

    An even more impressive 172 stars with Chinese ties signed on for " The Beginning of the Great Revival , " for compensation that , according to the director , amounted to less than the cost of lunch boxes for the crew .

  2. 上个月上映的《建党伟业》制作场面十分奢华,这是一部国家支持的宣传片,花费了1200万制作成本描述了中国当时建党事业。

    The Beginning of the Great Revival released last month , is an extravagantly produced , state-sponsored propaganda movie , which cost $ 12 million to make , a fortune by Chinese standards .

  3. 老牌导演黄建新表示,《建党伟业》是一个关于年青人的电影,是为年轻人而拍的电影。

    Veteran director Huang Jianxin expressed " The Founding of A Party " is a film about young people , made for young people .

  4. 该影片是继2009年的《建国大业》和2011年的《建党伟业》之后,“建国三部曲”的第三部,也一如既往地使用明星阵容,以此来吸引现代观众。

    Following the footsteps of The Founding of a Republic in 2009 and The Founding of the Party in 2011 , the third installment of the " Founding of New China " trilogy again use star power as an appeal to modern audiences .

  5. 也许像《建党伟业》这样鸿篇巨制电影的票房并不好,从国外引进的那20部电影也不是好欺负的,正如萨姆•戈尔德温假设说:“别把影评人当回事,甚至睬都不要睬他们”。

    Smash hits such as " Great Revival " may not travel well . Foreign bottoms are less biddable . But as Sam Goldwyn supposedly said : " Don 't pay any attention to the critics ; don 't even ignore them . "