
  • 网络RAID;Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk
  1. RAID是廉价冗余磁盘阵列的简称,它把多磁盘驱动器连接到一起协同工作,提供并行的数据传输和容错功能。

    RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks , groups many disk drivers in a storage unit to perform parallel data transfer and offer fault-tolerant .

  2. 在RAID(廉价冗余磁盘阵列)系统中采用有效的预取技术可以缩短主机读请求的平均响应时间,提高磁盘阵列的数据吞吐率。

    Data Prefetching Technique of Nonlinear Memory Access Effective prefetching can reduce average response time of read operation and improve the throughput of RAID .