
  • 网络compaq;Compaq Computer;HP Compaq;campaq
  1. 康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为3,800万美元。

    Two years later , when Compaq went public , their stock was valued at $ 38 million

  2. 康柏也是为Internet服务提供商提供解决方案的领先厂商。

    Compaq is also the leading supplier of solutions for Internet Service Providers .

  3. 八家领先Internet服务提供商中有七家选择了康柏作为其NTWeb虚拟主机服务的标准平台。

    Seven of the top eight ISPs have standardized on Compaq for their NT-based Web hosting services .

  4. 我熟悉IBM,康柏和长城电脑。

    I 'm experience in IBM , Compact and Great Wall computers .

  5. 康柏有决心使WindowsNT成为企业级操作系统。

    And Compaq is committed to advance Windows NT as an enterprise operating system .

  6. 这将把我们带入我的下一个话题,这就是康柏对于WindowsNT的承诺。

    That leads me to my next point - our commitment to Windows NT .

  7. 提供新的和使用IBM,康柏、东芝电脑零件给大型和小型企业。

    Providing new and used IBM , Compaq and Toshiba computer parts to large and small business .

  8. 同时康柏也在不断增强客户通过Internet从康柏或全球分销商处购买康柏产品的能力。

    We are also enhancing the ability of customers to purchase products over the Internet , both from Compaq and our worldwide network of retailers .

  9. 康柏从PC转向互联&访康柏公司大中华区公司总裁俞新昌

    Compaq : Shifting from PC to Internet An Interview with Yu Xinchang , CEO of Compaq Co. , China Mega-area

  10. 而且康柏是Microsoft在企业环境中率先采用WindowsNT5.0版的唯一主要合作伙伴。

    And Compaq is Microsoft 's only lead partner for the early deployment of Windows NT 5.0 in corporate environments .

  11. 正如你所说,惠普并没有把打印机和PC业务分离开来,这意味着早年收购的康柏资产基本上原封未动。

    As you note , HP isn 't separating printers and PCs , meaning the Compaq acquisition is remaining somewhat intact .

  12. 康柏创造了WindowsNT系统最佳的性能表现--每分钟处理27000次交易。

    Compaq already owns the performance benchmark for Windows NT systems with more than 27000 transactions per minute .

  13. 迈克尔·戴尔总是在市场上观察他的主要竞争对手&康柏和IBM。

    It is in the business market that Michael Dell has always seen his major competitors & Compaq and IBM .

  14. 对惠普的批评一直集中在该公司应该加强在企业领域的地位,而不是耗费250亿美元巨资收购一家低利润的PC公司(指康柏&译注)。

    Critics have contended all along that HP could have strengthened that position without spending $ 25 billion to acquire a low-margin PC company .

  15. 而康柏则通过其工业标准个人电脑(包括第一台PC服务器)在二十世纪八十年代和九十年代领导着计算发展的潮流。

    With its industry standard personal computers - including the first PC server - Compaq defined the computing paradigm of the 1980s and 1990s .

  16. 在今后两年内,康柏将推出高性能、基于WindowsNT的系统,该系统将支持最苛刻的企业需求。

    During the next two years , Compaq will deliver high-performance , Windows NT-based systems that will support the most demanding enterprise needs .

  17. 客户经常问我这样一个问题,康柏对包括Alpha、DigitalUNIX和OpenVMS在内的Digital64位体系结构有什么样的发展计划。

    One question I often get from customers is about Compaq 's commitment to Digital 's 64-bit architecture , including Alpha , Digital UNIX and OpenVMS .

  18. 通过诸如集群和ServerNet(由天腾公司开发的系统域网络)的先进技术,康柏现在正在不断改进NT的性能、可靠性和可伸缩性。

    Through advanced technologies like clustering and ServerNet - the system area network developed by Tandem - Compaq is also improving NT 's performance , reliability and scalability .

  19. 两家公司均通过提供可管理性最强的电脑来降低客户的总体拥有成本,我们在这一领域都在领导着业界发展的潮流。康柏在台式机的WindowsNT市场上占据领先地位。

    Both companies lead the industry in reducing cost of ownership by providing the best managed PCs. We lead the Windows NT market for desktops .

  20. 但格罗夫意志坚定,由康柏电脑(CompaqComputer)率领的新行业的迅速崛起提供了一个现成的市场。

    But Grove remained firm and the rapid emergence of a new industry , led by Compaq Computer , provided a ready market .

  21. 康柏与DEC的合并为我们带来了更加广泛的Web解决方案,可以用于电子商务,Internet服务提供商,企业内联网以及客户关系管理等。

    The combination of Compaq and Digital gives us a broad range of Web-based solutions for electronic commerce , Internet Service Providers , corporate Intranets and customer relationship management .

  22. 实际上,康柏及其分销商现在每天的Internet销售额已超过600万美元,这甚至超过了Dell公司的销售额。

    In fact , Compaq and its resellers today sell more than $ 6 million dollars a day over the Internet - and that is more than Dell .

  23. 我们将把Alpha做为康柏现有产品系列的扩展部分,并将其做为迫切需要增强功能的应用(如数据仓库、高性能技术计算和Internet商务)的战略性平台。

    We see Alpha as an extension of Compaq 's current product line and as a strategic platform for power-hungry applications like data warehousing , high-performance technical computing and Internet commerce .

  24. 这些服务很快将通过康柏的SMB解决方案提供商提供给客户。客户也可通过一个称为ClubWeb的Internet创新计划获得以上服务。

    These services will be available soon through our SMB Solution Providers as well as through another innovative , Internet-based program we call Club Web .

  25. 一些评论家指出,康柏收购DEC的唯一目的就是获得其服务机构。

    Some observers have suggested that the only reason Compaq bought Digital was to get its service organization .

  26. 这也将结合康柏、DEC、天腾公司以及康柏诸多战略合作伙伴的强大力量。

    One that builds on the combined strengths of Compaq , Digital , Tandem and our strategic partners .

  27. WFM动议是英特尔、HP、IBM、康柏以及其他25家硬件厂商共同努力的结果。

    The WFM initiative is the collective work of Intel , Hewlett-Packard , IBM , Compaq , and 25 other hardware vendors .

  28. 问:我计划在10月份Windows7推出之后买部新电脑,换掉运行WindowsXP的老旧康柏(Compaq)电脑。

    Q : I plan to get a new computer after Windows 7 is released in October , to replace my old Compaq running Windows XP .

  29. 康柏与Microsoft公司的密切合作关系,连同我们在康柏内部采用WindowsNT的丰富经验,使得我们更有能力帮助客户实施NT解决方案。

    Our strong partnership with Microsoft as well as our own experience deploying Windows NT throughout Compaq puts us in the best position to help customers implement NT solutions .

  30. 有侧重的全球客户管理;业界领先的服务与支持;以及以您所希望的方式为您提供康柏产品,您可以通过我们广泛的分销商网络,或是通过电话,亦或是通过Internet来选购产品,您可以自由选择您喜欢的购买方式。

    Focused , global account management , Industry-leading service and support , and , A commitment to sell the way you want to buy , whether it is through our extensive network of resellers by phone or over the Internet .