
kānɡ fù zī xún
  • rehabilitation counseling
  1. 本文概述康复咨询职业在美国的发展。

    This article describes the development of the rehabilitation counseling profession in the United States .

  2. 相关服务包括咨询服务&包括康复咨询、培养方位感和灵活性的治疗服务,以及为做诊断和进行评估提供的体格检查服务。

    Related services may include counseling services , including rehabilitation counseling , orientation and mobility services , and medical services for diagnostic and evaluation purposes only .

  3. 康复咨询委员会辖下职业辅导小组委员会

    Employment Sub-committee of the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee

  4. 人工耳蜗调试的康复咨询

    The rehabilitation consultation of artificial cochlea

  5. 在实施操作系统中又划分为互相关联的五个子系统,即健身指导员培训系统、体质监测与评价系统、健康与康复咨询系统、健身与康复训练系统、健身产业经营与开发系统。

    The operating system was again divided into 5 subsystems , that is the system for training fitness directors , system for physique inspecting and evaluation , system for health and rehabilitation consultation , system for fitness and rehabilitation training and system for fitness property management and development .

  6. 另外一个重要的康复就是咨询。

    Another important tool for recovery is counseling .

  7. 日前,一对学生双胞胎兄弟的家长,打电话到我鼻炎康复中心咨询鼻窦炎治疗方面的问题。

    Has a twin brother , parents of students , called my rhinitis and sinusitis treatment rehabilitation center consulting issues .

  8. 结果50.50%的老年人认为需要健康指导、上门诊疗、建立家庭病床、康复指导、心理咨询、定期体检等基本卫生服务。

    RESULTS The study showed that 50.50 % of the elderly needed the basic services of health instruction , home medical care , hospital at home , rehabilitation , psychological counseling and periodical health examination .