
kù fáng
  • storeroom;storehouse;shed;conservatory;Kufang
库房 [kù fáng]
  • [storehouse;storeroom] 储存货物或财物的房屋

库房[kù fáng]
  1. 库房里堆放着许多农具。

    A lot of farm tools are piled in the storehouse .

  2. 脱氧低浓度PH3气体熏蒸对库房杀虫效果的探讨

    An insecticidal method in the storehouse by deoxidizing and fumigating using low concentration ph_3

  3. 我们本可以把原作从库房里偷出来而完全不让你知晓。

    We could have stolen the original from the warehouse without you being any the wiser .

  4. 库房重地,闲人免进!

    Storage Room , No Admittance !

  5. 卡车司机在库房装车。

    The lorry driver loaded up at the depot .

  6. 库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的。

    A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected .

  7. 在库房和租赁者之间来回运送服装的运输量很大。

    Renting involves a large amount of transportation , taking the clothes back and forth2 between the warehouse3 and the renter .

  8. 对于某种特定版型的衣服,口袋可能会让衣服在库房或零售货架上变形。

    For clothes that sport a specific kind of cut or form , pockets might alter the shape either in the warehouse profile .

  9. 最后利用基于Web服务的工作流系统设计了库房供应链系统,并完成了系统的开发实现和测试运行。

    Finally it designs the storehouse supply chain system , and has completed the development and testing of the system .

  10. PLC与库房控制器间数据通信的实现

    Implementation of Data Communication Between PLC and Storehouse Controller

  11. ABC档案管理法可应用于档案库房改造。

    The ABC management method can be applied to the reform of the files storehouse .

  12. PDCA应用于库房管理的尝试

    Application of PDCA in storehouse management in hospital

  13. 今天对于我们所有人员来说是个“准备日”,要为离开帆船去峡湾以及为将在煤炭岛进行的ACT项目整理放置在船舱库房的各种设备。

    They prepared for their departure to the Fiords and packed up the equipment in the boat 's garage for the ACT project that they would be carrying out on Coal Island .

  14. 我院药剂科应用《微机药品库房管理系统》(druginventorycontrolsystem简称DICS)对药品库房进行科学管理,实现了医院药品库房管理计算机化。

    Since the Drug Inventory Control System ( DICS ) has been used in the pharmacy department of our hospital , Scientific and computerized management of drug storehouse has been realized .

  15. 因为担心当地工商部门会没收,一些店主已经将iPad转移回库房。

    Some retailers have removed the iPad tablets to back storerooms , fearing that local Administration of Industry and Commerce will confiscate them .

  16. 如今,这些文件被放在保存菲尔普斯·斯托克斯基金会(PhelpsStokesFund)藏品的214号箱中,储存在朔姆伯格中心外面的一个恒温库房里。

    So for now , the records reside in Box 214 of the Phelps Stokes Fund collection in the Schomburg 's temperature-controlled , off-site storage facility .

  17. 区别在于,几乎所有的iPad2都于一天之内售空;到周六,商店的库房内,iPad2已经弹尽粮绝,而且未有新货补充。

    • the difference is that nearly all those iPad 2S were sold in one day ; stocks were essentially depleted by Saturday and not replenished .

  18. 结合城建库房监控的需要,把传感器技术、单片机技术、网络通信技术、数据库技术和web技术的应用,与库房综合控制系统的设计与研制,开发了智能实时监控系统。

    The government of HuaiNan City wants to monitor the Municipal warehouse automatically ; we use the sensor technology , Single Chip Microcomputer technology , network communication technology , database technology and web technology to design and develop an intelligent integrated control system .

  19. 目的研究病案ABC分类管理的原理,评价病案ABC分类管理的效率和效益。解决病案管理中使用人员多和库房面积小的实际难题。

    Objective To study principal of ABC sort management of case history , evaluate the sort management of efficiency and solve the problem of more personnel and less storeroom area .

  20. 测试结果表明系统能够在库房系统和供应商模拟应用软件之间传递数据、交互操作,实现了通过Web服务技术开发跨企业、跨平台工作流程应用的目标。

    The test results indicates that the system can transmit data and operate alternately between the storehouse system and the supplier ' application , and has achieved the goal that the new workflow can work cross enterprise , the cross platform by the Web Service .

  21. 预期在不久的将来,用RFID系统来追踪货物从供货商到仓库再到商店的库房以及最终到各销售点的货物的运输搬运过程将越来越多的被应用。

    In the near future , It is expected that every major retailer will use RFID systems to track the movement of products from suppliers to warehouses , store backrooms and eventually to points of sale .

  22. 结果表明,老制曲车间多年富集的微生物数量明显高于新制曲车间,其中曲药库房空气和远离制曲车间50m左右大环境空气中的霉菌、细菌和酵母菌数量差异均达到显著水平;

    The results are as follows : The quantity of aerial microbe accumulated for years in the old workshops is obviously higher than that in the new workshops .

  23. YC的库房里塞进了三排胶合板质地、白色三聚氰胺面板的简易桌子,四周坐满了天使投资人和风险投资家。

    YC 's warehouse space , corrugated with three rows of tables made from plywood and white melamine , overflows with angels and venture capitalists .

  24. 本文选用比较符合人们判断意识的模糊层次分析法(FAHP)来解决仓库中库房选择问题。

    Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process ( FAHP ) which fits people 's judging consciousness is applied to solve the storehouse decision-making in depot .

  25. 包括直接的网上存在、库房、存储面积、运输队、航空系统、以及OEM在内,他们需要像许多不同类型的客户提供服务。

    With their direct online presence , stores , storing areas , delivery crews , airplane systems , and OEM , they have a need to serve a variety of different types of clients .

  26. 记账员负责ABIS中库房管理类交易的操作;管库员负责库存现金实物的保管。

    Bookkeeper responsible for ABIS warehouse management transaction operation ; warehouse keeper is responsible for the cash physical custody .

  27. 主控机操作界面的设计采用了绘图软件制作立体图形嵌入VB中的软件处理方法,使屏幕显示贴近库房实际,达到直观形象的效果。

    The design of central operating interface adopts a process of graphic software to have the cubic graphs embedded in VB , which brings the images on the screen more closely in appearance to the reality , producing consequently an intuitive effect .

  28. 目的探讨档案库房空气甲醛污染情况。方法选择14个有代表性的档案馆库房,对其甲醛浓度于一年四季的最后一天每4h测定一次,连续24h。

    Objective To explore the formaldehyde pollution in indoor air of archives Methods The levels of formaldehyde in indoor air of 14 representative archives were determined on the last days in 4 seasons of one year .

  29. 院子里还有一家“司坦妮小姐”(MademoiselleSteinitz),它的库房里琳琅满目,包括珍稀的家具、梦幻的雕塑、当代摄影作品与正装礼服。

    Also in the courtyard , Mademoiselle Steinitz 's industrial warehouse mixes rare furniture , fantastical sculptures , contemporary photography and formal gowns .

  30. 从内部结构、财务、采购、生产、库房、销售等多方面介绍了ERP在企业管理中的重要作用和实施方法,证明通过实施ERP可以快速提升企业的反应能力、工作的效率和效益。

    Introduce the important role and implementation of ERP in business management from the internal structure , finance , procurement , production , warehouse , sales and other aspects . Prove that the implementation of ERP could quickly enhance the response ability and the product efficiency .