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  • 网络Guanghan;guanghan city;Guanghan Shi-GHN
  1. 在广汉市采取公司+基地+养殖户的形式,进行适度规模的养禽技术推广项目取得了较高的经济效益、广泛的社会效益和一定的生态效益。

    The market adopted the forms of " company + base + raiser " in Guanghan , carried on raising poultrys ' technology popularization project and made higher economic benefits , extensive social benefits and certain ecological benefits of appropriate scale .

  2. 广汉市规模化养禽基地建设与试验示范

    Raise Poultry Construction of Base and Tests Demonstration in Scale of Guanghan

  3. 一个以三星堆古遗址为主题的活动将于今天在四川省广汉市举行。

    An event themed on the ancient Sanxingdui Ruins will be held today in Guanghan , Sichuan Province .

  4. 统计分析认为,规模化养禽已成为广汉市农民增收的新增长点;

    Statistical analysis shows that scale raise poultry have become peasants ' new point of growth in Guanghan .

  5. 广汉市40岁以上社区居民糖尿病、高血压、血脂紊乱及代谢综合征基线调查

    Epidemiological Survey of Metabolic Syndrome and Its Related Diseases in Individual Over 40 years of Age in Guanghan Municipal Community

  6. 四川省广汉市动物标识及疫病可追溯体系的建设情况、问题及对策

    The Situation , Problem and Strategy on System 's Construction of Animal-marking and Epidemic Disease Trace in Guanghan City , Sichuan Province

  7. 文章探讨了广汉市在管理和服务相结合方面的实践经验,并且对这一经验提出了人口学的理论解释。

    The author discuss the experiences of Guanghan City on the combination of administration and service and give their own explanations for this experiences from the points of demography theories .

  8. 当时公布的一份证明材料详细描述了刘维参与2009年一起黑社会性质的谋杀案的情况。这起谋杀案发生在刘氏兄弟家乡四川省广汉市的一个茶馆里,当时有三人被杀。

    A warrant issued at that time detailed Liu Wei 's involvement in a 2009 gangland-style triple killing at a teahouse in the brothers ' hometown of Guanghan in Sichuan province .