
  • 网络Advertising lightbox;SZXJZ;Ad lamp case
  1. 新开发研制的广告灯箱控制器具有集中控制模式、集中供电方式、备用灯管模式,通过这种方式可设计出多功能、EMI干扰小、效率高、经久耐用且经济的灯箱广告牌。

    The new developed and researched advertising lamp-box controller is provided with the centralized control mode , the centralized supply power way and the reserve lights mode . By this means , lamp-box advertisement brand with multi-function , little EMI interfere , efficient , durable and economic can be designed .

  2. 多条街广告灯箱的通信协议设计

    Communication Agreement Design of Multi - street Advertisement Lamp - boxes

  3. 一种基于CF卡的声画同步广告灯箱设计

    A sound-image synchronization sign controller based on a CF card

  4. 提出了一种透射型彩色全息图的拍摄与再现方法,并将其用于设计制作彩色全息广告灯箱。

    A new method to make transmission color hologram is proposed in this paper .

  5. 合理利用平面设计软件的灯光效果,金属效果可以大大缩短三维制作时间。三维软件为平面广告灯箱制作提供立体真实效果。

    The 3D software used in advertising lamp-box design is capable of providing solid effect realistically .

  6. 寒冷潮湿的冬夜里,广告灯箱发出的暖光,会给人某种安慰。

    There is something comforting about the warm glow shed by advertisements on cold wet winter nights .

  7. 电子工具,无铅产品,通讯工具,防静电产品,网络工具,广告灯箱等。

    Electronic Tools , Lead-free Products , Communication Tools , ESD Products , Network Tools , Advertising Light Box etc.

  8. 一种用于灯箱的滑道,涉及的是广告灯箱内灯具安装固定的一种构造。

    The utility model discloses a slideway used for a lamphouse , relating to a structure which is used for mounting and fixing a lamp in an advertising lamphouse .

  9. 公司承接产品种类广泛,主要有:广告灯箱、各类产品展示架、陈列架、展柜、奖牌奖杯电子仪器仪表面板,、有机玻璃(亚克力)相框相架等。

    Company products , mainly has : the wide range of products , advertisements , shelves and displays , MEDALS , electronic instrument panel title , and organic glass ( acrylic ) frame phase etc.

  10. 提供各类黄金珠宝测试、鉴定、清洗用仪器及电子秤、进口灯具、广告灯箱等。

    Besides , we design shop image , POP design and decoration , provide the instruments of lab test , inspection , cleaning of gold and jewels , electronic weight , imported lamps , and tamp boxes .

  11. 新兴广告材料&柔性灯箱布

    A New and Developing Advertisement Material : Softness Lamp Box Fabric

  12. 装饰、广告、展示、灯箱、铝制品加工焊接和型材。

    Decoration , advertisement , demonstration , lamphouse , aluminum product and molding .