
  1. 该项由上海《了望东方周刊》开展的调查表明,辽宁省省会沈阳为第二大“最幸福城市”,其次是浙江省的宁波和台州。

    Shenyang , capital of Northeast China 's Liaoning Province , finished runner-up in the poll conducted by Oriental Outlook magazine , followed by the Zhejiang Province cities of Ningbo and Taizhou .

  2. 同样令人惊奇的是,伦敦居然是世界上第二幸福的城市。

    London , just as astonishingly , comes in at number two .

  3. 其中,最佳的包容性与和谐的人情味是成都之所以成为最具幸福感城市的重点。

    Of the three , human understanding and harmony is the corner stone of Chengdu as the happiest city .

  4. 长沙被评为中国十大最具幸福感城市、中国十大创新能力城市、中国省会十大活力城市。

    And Changsha has been awarded as one of the Ten Happy Cities in China , the Ten Innovation Cities in China and the Ten Vibrant Cities in China .

  5. 调查要求人们投票选出他们心目中最具幸福感的城市。

    It asked people to name the city where it was easiest to get a sense of happiness .

  6. 展馆通过展示意大利在科技、音乐、时尚、建筑等领域的成就,呈现一个充满生气、幸福感的城市。

    This pavilion by display Italy in science and technology , music , fashion , construction achievement , present a vibrant , happiness city .

  7. 他是那样热爱自然,在它的孤寂中是那样幸福,以至于记恨城市&这人类的虚伪做作的关于居住的悲伤作品。

    He loved Nature so well , was so happy in her solitude , that he became very jealous of cities and the sad work which their refinements and artifices made with man and his dwelling .

  8. 现在,根据2013年的幸福结果,夏威夷依然是这个国家最幸福的城市之一,但是最近它没能保住榜首之位(掉到了第八位)。这可是四年来的首次。

    Today , judging by 2013 's well-being results , Hawaii is still one of the country 's happiest states , but it recently dropped from the top spot ( down to eighth ) for the first time in four years .