
nián biàn huà
  • annual variation
  1. 本文所讨论的大气污染物混浊因子TR,可以较客观地反映福州空气污染的年变化。

    TR-the turbidity factor of atmospheric pollutant-discussed in this paper , reflected objectively annual variation of air pollution over Fuzhou City .

  2. 利用NOAA卫星AVHRR图像对渤海表层水温年变化的初步分析

    Preliminary Analysis of Annual Variation of Surface Water Temperature in Bohai Sea from NOAA AVHRR

  3. 苹果树Zn含量的年变化及与根活力的关系

    Annual variations of zinc content in apple trees and its relation with root vigour

  4. 南方红豆杉针叶中,N、K、Ca、Mg及NO3~&N含量的年变化表现出明显的季节性,其中N、K、Ca夏、秋季高于冬、春季;

    N , P , Ca were higher in Summer and Autumn while lower in Spring and Winter ;

  5. POM对南海海温年变化的模拟

    Simulations of the Annual Cycle of the South China Sea Temperature by POM

  6. 温室葡萄和露地葡萄叶片Pn的年变化均为双峰型曲线。

    The change of one year of Pn in different canopy structures both inside and outside the greenhouse appears in double-peak curve .

  7. 在矿质元素含量年变化上,不同基砧树的叶片矿质元素含量年变化趋势除Mn、Zn外,其它元素含量年变化趋势差异明显;不同基砧根系的各种矿质元素含量年变化趋势基本相似;

    The tendency of annual changes in the contents of mineral elements except Mn and Zn in leaf had noted difference between 2 kinds of rootstock , and that in root basically coincided with each other .

  8. 利用昌黎、红山等台站的地磁Z分量日变资料,分析了磁静日幅度、磁扰日幅度和磁静日低点时间的年变化与长期变化,结果年变化和长期变化都非常明显。

    The magnetically quiet day and magnetically disturbed day as well as the low point time at the magnetically quiet day are analyzed by the annual variation and secular variation of geomagnetic Z component datum observed at Changli and Hongshan Stations .

  9. 南海季风区有很强的年变化,30~60d和20~30d的变化也比较显著,还有3个月左右的周期变化。

    In the area of the SCS monsoon , the annual cycle is very evident , and the oscillations of 30 ~ 60d and 20 ~ 30d are also evident .

  10. 生长轮宽度前5a呈规律性大小年变化、5~8a生长平缓、第9年达到峰值,之后开始下降;

    The growth ring width exhibited a regular variation in the first five years , grew with a stable and moderate speed during the 5th ~ 8th years , and reached a highest peak in the 9th year , and then began to descend .

  11. 结果表明,降水pH值和SO2-4、NO-3、NH+4、Ca2+具有年际变化和年变化的特征,但其变化趋势各站及各要素不尽一致。

    The results show that the pH values and concentrations of SO 4 2 - , NO 3 - , NH 4 + and Ca 2 + have obvious annual and inter-annual variation features . The variation trends are different for the three stations and between various elements .

  12. 油松抑制细菌作用年变化的规律

    Annual changing regularity of inhibiting effects of Pinus tabulaeformis to bacteria

  13. 土壤水分入渗年变化特性的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Yearly Change of Soil Water Infiltration Characteristics

  14. 急诊抢救死亡病例7年变化趋势分析

    Analyses of 7-year trends of died cases in emergency department

  15. 海洋对大气加热场的区域性年变化特征

    Regional Characteristics of Annual Variation of - the Oceanic Heating to Atmosphere

  16. 覆盖对果园土壤真菌数量年变化的影响

    The Influence of Orchard Covering on the Variation of Soil Fungi Contents

  17. 一所医院的神经症各亚型构成比10年变化

    The variations of constituent ratio of neuroses in ten years

  18. 我国旬降水年变化特征的区域分布

    Regional Distribution of Annual Variations of Dekad Precipitation in China

  19. 用不完整的地震资料估计地震矩年变化率

    Estimation of the seismic moment rate based on the incomplete seismic data

  20. 青海湖最近25年变化的遥感调查与研究

    Remote Sensing Investigation and Survey of Qinghai Lake in the Past 25 Years

  21. 台湾海峡表层叶绿素a年变化特征的空间差异

    Spatial patterns of annual cycles in surface chlorophyll a in the Taiwan Strait

  22. 气温的年变化和日变化都有一定的规律可循;

    There are some regulars about the annual and daily change in temperature ;

  23. 中国儿童营养状况15年变化分析&中国儿童生长发育主要影响因素的变化

    The changes of the attributable factors of child growth

  24. 河西走廊地-气之间感热交换的年变化与年际变化

    Annual and interannual variations of the sensible heat fluxes over the Hexi Region

  25. 我国核工业职业人群恶性肿瘤死亡的30年变化分析

    Analysis of Variation in Malignant Tumor Induced Deaths

  26. 南海地区海-气热交换的年变化和年际变化

    Annual and interannual variations of air - sea heat exchange in South China Sea

  27. 新疆焉耆盆地和博斯腾湖盐量收支平衡的年变化

    Inter-annual Variability of Salt Budget of the Yanqi Basin and Lake Bosten , Xinjiang

  28. 最后,文中还就大气逆辐射和有效辐射的年变化问题作了讨论。

    Finally , discussion is done of the yearly variation of both the radiation .

  29. 谈国家建筑标准设计图集的一年变化

    Review of the Change of the National Building Standard Collective Drawings in one Year

  30. 卫星反演资料的年变化趋势与地基反演结果比较吻合。

    The results indicate that the satellite-derived results are close to the ground-based retrievals .