
píng shǒu
  • draw
平手 [píng shǒu]
  • [draw] 比赛结果不分胜负

  • 今天这盘棋下成了平手

平手[píng shǒu]
  1. 必要的话,奥巴马还能争取打个平手。

    If necessary , Mr Obama can play for a draw .

  2. 有人可能会说海南的这起争端打了个平手。

    One might say the feud in Hainan has reached a draw .

  3. 林依晨和陈乔恩几度打成平手,战况最激烈。

    Ariel Lin Chen and Jon tied several times , the most intense fighting .

  4. 46岁的达尔文穆恩将全部赌注押在一对同花色的J,Q上,之后卡德亮出手中的一对9。按桌上的筹码总计,他们二人几乎是打成平手。

    Cada turned over a pair of nines after 46-year old Darvin Moon called his all-in wager with a suited queen-jack , setting up a nearly-even race for all the chips on the table .

  5. Facebook影片《社交网络》在颁奖季之初就备受推崇,此次更获得8项提名,与2010年热映大片、突破性科幻影片《盗梦空间》打成平手。

    The Facebook drama , " The Social Network , " the early favorite during awards season , received eight nominations , tyingwith the groundbreaking sci-fithriller " Inception , " one of 2010 's biggest movies .

  6. 今年新生的GMAT平均分为730分,首次与哈佛商学院打成平手。

    The median GMAT score for the incoming class this year was 730 , matching Harvard Business School for the very first time .

  7. 爵士键盘手奇克·科瑞亚(ChickCorea)获得两项格莱美奖,现年73岁的他的事业生涯中一共获取了22个格莱美奖项,与U2乐队和史蒂夫·旺德(StevieWonder)打成平手。

    The jazz keyboardist Chick Corea won two Grammys , bringing his total career take to 22 & tying Mr. Corea , 73 , with U2 and Stevie Wonder .

  8. 在比赛的最后4.2秒,双方打成了90-90平手。尽管先后被本西蒙斯和乔尔·恩比德紧贴防守,莱昂纳德命中了NBA历史上第一个抢七绝杀。

    And in the final 4.2 seconds of a game tied at 90-90 , being chased in close pursuit by Ben Simmons then Joel Embiid , he drained the first Game 7 buzzer-beater in NBA history .

  9. PS3玩家会得到稍好一点的帧数,而360版则有略好一点的对比度,所以可说是打个平手。

    PS3 owners are blessed with a slightly more solid frame rate , although the360 version features a little more contrast in the lighting , so it 's pretty much a wash .

  10. 我很感谢卢卡,因为他终于让我和我的朋友布莱恩打成了平手。布莱恩从小有幸跟一个名叫丹尼斯•哈哈(DennisHa-Ha)的美国原住民小孩做邻居,因此老是夸口说他有个名字最酷的朋友。

    I 'm grateful for Luca because he has finally allowed me to get even with my friend Brian , who was lucky enough to have grown up next door to a Native American kid named Dennis Ha-Ha , and therefore could always boast that he had the friend with the coolest name .

  11. 第二定律说你甚至不能打个平手。

    The second law says you can 't even break even .

  12. 考虑到这些方面,我宣布二者在这一回合中打成平手。

    In this respect , I declare this one a tie .

  13. 若我得分我们就平手了。

    If I get this point , we 'll be tying .

  14. 全市足球决赛,对帕萨迪纳预备学校,比数平手。

    City Soccer final , playing Pasadena prep , tie score .

  15. 我赢不了他,不过我们平手三局。

    I couldn 't beat him , but we tied three games .

  16. 我们顶多只能打个平手,然后进入加时赛。

    We might only have tied , and then gone into overtime .

  17. 突然之间就平手了。

    All of a sudden it 's a tie game .

  18. 比赛平手!还不知道谁会赢呢。

    The game is tied ! There is no winner , yet .

  19. 在这次的发球中他们已经两次平手了。

    They 've been at deuce twice in this serving .

  20. 为何每次都打成平手。

    How do they go to deuce every time ?

  21. 第一局比赛打了个平手。

    The score was tied in the first inning .

  22. 我们先求平手,然后加赛。

    We 'll take our drop , tie * And win the playoff .

  23. 好啊,那是说我们仍然平手。

    Well , that means we 're still tied .

  24. 而且会到平手和贵族一样看待。

    And will go to the deuce to be seen with a lord .

  25. 平手不分胜负的比赛比赛结果不分胜负。

    The result of the match was a draw .

  26. 我只需要得到平手后的这一分就赢了。

    I only need this advantage point to win .

  27. 我总是与菲奥娜医生打成平手,但除了她之外没有人能赢得了我。

    I usually drew with Dr Fiona but I could beat everyone else .

  28. 而在2004年,欧洲与亚洲打成平手,各获得35%的份额。

    In 2004 , Europe and Asia were tied at 35 per cent each .

  29. 我们能不能转台看“赢输还是平手”?

    Can we switch the TV over and watch win , lose or draw ?

  30. 好了,现在我们达成平手了,重新开始吧。

    So , we are even . Now , let 's start all over .