
ɡān hàn chénɡ dù
  • Drought degree;degree of drought
  1. 吉林西部降水不足,蒸发量大,干旱程度逐渐加剧。

    There was a lack of precipitation and a lot of evaporation , the degree of drought was pricked up gradually in the west of Jilin Province .

  2. 干旱指数反映了气候的干旱程度,干旱指数的年际变化能够体现一个地区气候的演变。

    The degree of drought was reflected by drought index . The change of annual drought index could reflect the evolvement of climate in an area .

  3. 嫩江云杉和红皮云杉叶片的Car含量随干旱程度的加重而下降,嫩江云杉Car下降幅度较小。

    Carotenoid ( Car ) content also declined , and the declining degree in Nenjiang spruce was lower .

  4. 根系ZR的含量随土壤干旱程度的加剧而不断下降,高氮条件下根系ZR含量均显著高于低氮处理的。

    Root ZR content decreased with drought stress , and root ZR content in the case of high nitrogen was higher than that low nitrogen treatment .

  5. 鲁西南历年逐旬土壤自然干旱程度序列模型

    Simulation of Soil Natural Drought Stress Series in Southwestern Shandong Province

  6. 干旱程度是对农作物生长形势研判的一个重要指标。

    Drought grade is a key index to judge the crop growth .

  7. 光照主要影响气孔密度,土壤干旱程度主要影响气孔大小;

    And the degree of soil drought mainly affects the stomatic size .

  8. 采用降水指标、径流指标、受旱率进行干旱程度分析。

    The drought degree is analyzed by precipitation target and drought rate .

  9. 随干旱程度的加重,各生育期的叶绿素含量下降程度越来越大。

    The content of chlorophyll would decrease more obviously with the drought duration .

  10. 基于小波网络的干旱程度评估方法

    Drought Degree Evaluation Method Based on Wavelet Neural Network

  11. 不同土壤干旱程度对刺槐幼苗水分生理和生长指标的影响

    Effect of Different Droughty Soil on Water Physiology and Growth Index of Locust Seedling

  12. 农业干旱程度概率分布的研究

    Study on probability distribution of agricultural drought extent

  13. 春季干旱程度与冬小麦产量呈指数曲线相关。

    There are exponential function curve relations between arid degrees in spring and yield of winter wheat .

  14. 随着土壤干旱程度的减轻,氮肥利用率和氮肥产量贡献率均显著增大。

    With the extent of soil drought reduced , both nitrogen use efficiency and contribution of N to production increased significantly .

  15. 经历了有纪录以来干旱程度最严重的冬季之后,加州内华达山脉今年4月份的积雪量创下历史新低,仅为正常年份的5%。

    This year , California set a record low Sierra snowpack in April 5 percent of normal following the driest winter since records have been kept .

  16. 通过分析不同干旱程度下各区脆弱度的形成和变化原因,提出了具有针对性的降低农业旱灾脆弱性的具体措施。

    Through analyzing reasons of the formation and changes of vulnerability in different drought degrees , the specific countermeasures are put forward to lower the vulnerability .

  17. 以迁安市为例,对迁安市的干旱程度进行综合评价,结果表明灰色模糊聚类分析法在区域干旱评价中是适用的。

    Qian ′ an city arid degree is evaluated , it indicates that the analytic method of the gray-fuzzy in the region arid evaluation is suitable .

  18. 结果表明:旱地施肥明显提高了作物产量和水分利用效率,但干旱程度明显影响了肥效的发挥;

    The result indicated that crop yield and water use efficiency were obviously raised by fertilizing , but the benefits of fertilizing was affected by drought extent ;

  19. 基于人工神经网络拟合函数的思想,建立了量化计算农业干旱程度的神经网络模型,并通过神经网络拟合农业干旱程度的概率分布函数,进而对农业干旱的概率分布进行详细地研究。

    Based on the idea of fitting function curve with neural networks , this paper establishes the neural networks models for estimating agriculture drought quantitatively and its probability distribution .

  20. 该指数可根据每日最新日降水值和日最高气温值的变化,及时给出影响干旱程度变化的主要气象因素的变化,使干旱监测具有实时性、敏感性和连贯性。

    Because the change of the main factor of drought is given by the daytime precipitation and the highest temperature every day , the index is real-time , sensitive and consistent .

  21. 结果表明,随着从东到西环境干旱程度的增加,锦鸡儿属植物叶肉组织分化出现从两面叶→过渡型→环栅型→全栅型的适应趋势。

    The results showed that the differentiation trend of mesophyll tissue was bifacial leaf → transitional form → ring-palisade → total-palisade as the environment was getting drier form east to west .

  22. 结果表明,电场处理后随土壤干旱程度加剧,叶片气孔密度有上升趋势,气孔在叶片上的分布趋向均匀;

    The results showed that electric field treatment could increase the stomatal density under drought stress and decrease it under high temperature variation , and the stomatal distribution in leaves tended to be uniform .

  23. 结果表明,小麦生育中后期随着土壤干旱程度的加剧和干旱时间的延长,小麦叶片的光合强度、冠层蒸腾强度降低,生长明显受到抑制,导致籽粒产量减少。

    With the development of soil drought , photosynthetic rate of leaves of winter wheat and canopy transpiration rate decreased , and growth was inhibited significantly , result in reduction of grain yield deeply .

  24. 研究发现:陕北沙尘暴的产生不仅受强风、大气的不稳定和沙源三大因子支配,前期的干旱程度也是产生沙尘暴的一个重要因子。

    Sandstorm occurring in north Shaanxi was not only influenced by strong wind , thermal instability and sand source , but also by the drought degree of previous period , an important factor to sandstorm occurring .

  25. 从雨季进入旱季,土壤干旱程度D呈现增加的趋势,但采取了水蚀阻断措施处理的土壤干旱程度D均小于对照,不同措施对土壤的干旱程度影响很不相同。

    From the rainy season to the dry season , the degree of soil drought ( D ) increased , drought degree of each treatment was less than the control . The effects of different water erosion blocking measures on drought degree were not the same .

  26. 参考作物蒸散量是表征大气蒸(散)发能力,评价气候干旱程度、植被耗水量、生产潜力以及水资源供需平衡的最重要的指标之一。

    The reference crop evapotranspiration ( ETo ) is the most important index that indicate the capability of atmospheric evaporative and assess the degree of the climatic drought , the consumption water of the vegetation , the potentiality of the production and the supply and demand balance of water resources .

  27. 材料Z叶组织的脯氨酸明显高于其它三个供试材料,且随着干旱胁迫程度加强,其含量大幅度增加。

    The proline content in leaves of Z was significantly higher than others , and its content was substantial increase as under PEG-6000 stress strengthened .

  28. 膜脂过氧化物质MDA的含量随着干旱胁迫程度的增加和胁迫时间的延长持续增加,雌株叶片内MDA含量高于雄株,中国沙棘的MDA含量高于俄罗斯沙棘。

    The content of MDA increased with decreasing of water content of the soil , MDA content in leaves of female higher than that of male , MDA content in leaves of Chinese sea buckthorn higher than that of Russian sea buckthorn .

  29. Scholze说该研究一个重要的发现是,温度微小上升就会导致火灾、干旱的程度迅速地变得更加显著。

    Scholze says an important finding is the degree to which the effects get rapidly more pronounced with small increases in temperature .

  30. 植被生态系统的退化引起严重的环境问题,表现为:①河谷区干旱化程度加剧,土壤凋萎温度(PWP)长达7~8个月,使许多植物无法生长;

    The degradation of the vegetation ecosystem has caused severe environment problems : ① The climate in the river valley area has become much drier and PWP of soil is 7 ~ 8 month long , so that many plants can not grow .