
  • 网络Crown Imperial;Imperial state Crown
  1. 女王陛下打趣地说,你头戴帝国皇冠不能低头,而重达2磅13盎司(约合2.56千克),感觉脖子会“断掉”。

    Her Majesty jokingly stated you cannot look down when wearing the Imperial State Crown , which weighs 2lbs 13oz ( 1.28kgs ) , as your neck would ' break ' .

  2. 珠宝包括帝国皇冠上的黑太子的红宝石,被藏在饼干盒中,埋在暗门处,也是秘密的紧急逃生通道。

    The gems , including the Black Prince 's Ruby from the Imperial State Crown , were placed in the tin and buried under a sally port - a secret exit used in an emergency .