
  • 网络parma ham;Prosciutto
  1. lesamis餐厅集团为城中旗下12家高档餐馆运来了意大利帕尔玛火腿、和牛肉和澳大利亚红酒。

    The les amis group of restaurants ships in Parma ham , Wagyu beef and Australian wine for its 12 high-end restaurants in the city .

  2. 意大利火腿驰誉世界,主要品种为帕尔玛火腿和圣达涅火腿。

    The Italian ham is famous in the world , and the main products are the Parma Ham & San Daniele Ham .

  3. 食物搭配:小牛腰子,帕尔玛火腿,羊排,禽类。

    Food Matching : Sweetbread , kidney veal , Parma ham , rack of lamb with little vegetable , poultry and game bird .