
  • 网络Brabant;Oost-Brabant
  1. 这段时间产生了后来被称作布拉班特的绘画作品。

    The period resulted in what became known as the Brabant canvases .

  2. 布拉班特省分为南、北布拉班特和布鲁塞尔都城三个省。

    Brabant is divided into North and South brabant three provinces and the capital Brussels .

  3. 我们现在实际上是在“布拉班特教堂”。这里是荷兰的一个小地方,但却延伸进了比利时。

    We are actually in Catholic Brabant a tiny bit of Holland that pokes into Belgium .

  4. 因为他回到布拉班特后与父母住在一起,家庭关系有些紧张。

    There were tensions within the family , now that he was living back with his parents in Brabant .