
shì mín
  • residents of a city;townspeople;citizen;burgher
市民 [shì mín]
  • [citizen] 城市居民

  • 市民们争相购买建设债券

市民[shì mín]
  1. 然而,在这个许多地方缺乏安全饮用水和有效卫生设施的城市,为举办奥运会所做的美化措施也引起了一些市民的不满。

    Yet the more cosmetic Olympic measures have also prompted grumbles from residents of a city that in many places lacks safe drinking water and effective sanitation .

  2. 城市化新市民在转变为合格市民的过程中,因为外界环境条件和他们的心理都会发生剧烈变化,所以必然要面临各种冲突和社会失范。

    Because of great changes in their environment , the new residents in the urbanization are necessarily faced with all kinds of social conflicts in the process of becoming qualified residents of a city .

  3. 彼得获授伦敦市荣誉市民的称号。

    Peter was made a Freeman of the City of London .

  4. 我请每位市民都仔细研读该文件。

    I invite every citizen to carefully study the document .

  5. 东贝鲁特的市民们躲进了地下室和掩体中。

    Citizens of East Beirut went to ground in basements and shelters .

  6. 盲目的恐惧感在市民中蔓延。

    A wave of superstitious fear spread among the townspeople

  7. 柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。

    Berlin people drank champagne , set off fireworks and tooted their car horns .

  8. 食物短缺迫使很多市民到农村自己种粮食。

    Food shortages forced many townspeople into the country to grow their own food .

  9. 多亏了一些热心公益的市民,克里彭多夫花园才得以保留了下来。

    Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens , the Krippendorf garden has been preserved .

  10. 市长阁下亲自向他颁发了都柏林市荣誉市民称号。

    He was given the Freedom of the City of Dublin by the Lord Mayor .

  11. 警方在调查中未能取得什么进展,对此市民有些担心。

    There was concern in the city that police were making little headway in the investigation .

  12. 1375年,市民奋起反抗。

    In 1375 the townspeople revolted

  13. 所有的市民都信任他,因为他是一位公正的统治者。

    All the citizens trusted him because he was a just ruler .

  14. 市民被提醒不要在那条遭污染的河里游泳。

    The inhabitants are being warned to avoid bathing in the polluted river .

  15. 许多市民支持反吸烟运动。

    Many citizens support the crusade against smoking .

  16. 多数北京市民在电视上观看了第29届奥运会开幕式。

    Most Beijing citizens saw the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games on TV .

  17. 她是个正派的市民。

    She is a decent citizen .

  18. 市民们仍然拒绝放弃那城池吗?

    Are the citizens still refusing to yield up the town ?

  19. 市民们击退了第一次进攻,但后来还是被打败了。

    The citizens beat off the first attack but later were defeated .

  20. 新建的公园给市民平添了许多乐趣。

    The new park is an important addition to the amenities of the town .

  21. 他是南京的市民。

    He is a citizen of nanjing .

  22. 好市民都遵守法律。

    Good citizens obey the laws .

  23. 去年年底北京的许多市民领回了被盗的自行车。

    Many citizens in Beijing got back their stolen bicycles at the end of last year .

  24. 绝大多数的非洲市民居住在贫民窟。

    Most urban Africans live in slums .

  25. 如果该城市的领导人对他们的市民会更加负责任的话,他们或许会更加支持那些来用来帮助市民们的项目。

    If city leaders were more accountable to their residents , they might favour projects designed to help them more .

  26. 据悉,越来越多的兰州市民愿意参加兰州国际马拉松赛。

    It 's reported that more and more Lanzhou citizens would like to take part in Lanzhou International Marathon .

  27. 因此,为了让市民不再开汽车,转而骑上无污染的自行车,他们启动了黄色自行车项目。

    So , to get citizens out of their cars and onto pollution-free bikes , they started the Yellow Bike Project .

  28. 市民可以选择5元、10元、20元和50元4种不同面额的纸币,而通常情况下,ATM机只能取出一百元纸币。

    The ATM allows people to withdraw 5 , 10 , 20 and 50 yuan notes . Normally only one hundred yuan notes can be withdrawn3 from ATMs .

  29. 当前我国的市民社会理论正逐步从范式研究转向范例研究。

    Paradigm study gradually transits to exemplification study in civil society theory .

  30. 伴随着资本主义的萌芽,明代社会出现了新兴的市民阶层。

    The rudiment with the capitalism , new developing citizens stratum appeared in the society in the ming dynasty .