
  1. 如果该城市的领导人对他们的市民会更加负责任的话,他们或许会更加支持那些来用来帮助市民们的项目。

    If city leaders were more accountable to their residents , they might favour projects designed to help them more .

  2. 大部分庆祝节日的市民会穿上新衣服、修剪头发并清偿债务。

    Most festivalgoers wear new clothes , cut their hair and clear all their debts .

  3. 一位游览东京的纽约市民会发现,尽管巨无霸价格便宜,但其它的产品和服务却显得昂贵。

    A new Yorker visiting Tokyo would find that although Big Macs were cheap , other goods and services seemed pricey .

  4. 那些善良的市民会为此而焦急:季节的精神面貌可能会被日益放肆的购物文化所吞噬。

    The good citizens are worried that the spiritual aspect of the season is about to be devoured by an increasingly unbridled shopping culture .

  5. 但普通市民会知道,如果在这些金融机构投资,风险将由自己承担,他们还会了解到,更高的回报伴随着更高的风险。

    But the ordinary citizen would know that he was on his own if he invested in them and learn that higher returns came with higher risk .

  6. 我深信,调整过后,香港的经济架构会更精简,竞争力会更强大,市民会更团结,共同克服难关。

    Out of all these adjustments , I am confident that we stand to gain a leaner , more competitive economy and a community drawn closer together in overcoming difficulties .

  7. 美国独立战争期间,美国人认为反英情绪会传开,加拿大市民会加入反英大业,和他们并肩作战。

    During the American Revolution , the Americans believed that their rebellious spirit would become contagious and that the citizens living in Canada would join their cause and fight alongside them .

  8. 如果和艾滋病人来一次亲密接触,把传说中的高危人群向一般人群靠拢,市民会有何反应?

    If we have a close contact with someone suffering from AIDS , and if we consider that high risk people and ordinary ones get attracted to each other , which reaction is having the man in the street ?

  9. 今天,在市民招待会上她的成就受到表彰。

    Today , her achievement was recognized with a civic reception .

  10. 在这个级别,大部分的北京市民都会戴上口罩。

    At this level , most Beijing residents resort to wearing face masks .

  11. 任何一个好市民都会做的事情。

    What any good citizen would have done .

  12. 但是每年的这个时候,费城的大部分市民都会出来观看这一华丽的表演。

    But every year , most of the city goes out to watch this colorful event .

  13. 每年,政府和市民都会在这天里举行各种各样的活动。

    Each year governments and citizens " groups carry out all kinds of activities on WWD .

  14. 这几天,每位参与无偿献血的市民都会收到志愿者献上的红玫瑰。

    In the past few days , blood donators received red roses in return by volunteers .

  15. 我们深信,在以后的日子中,市民一定会看到政府施政进一步改善。

    We firmly believe that the public will see further improvement in our governance in the days to come .

  16. 莫斯科和圣彼得堡的市民可能会暴露出他们对西方汽车和其他进口优质产品的偏爱。

    City dwellers in Moscow and St Petersburg might betray a weakness for western cars and other imported comforts .

  17. 下个月,所有的旧金山市民都会参与一场特效演出,让米尔成为保护城市的小英雄。

    Next month , all of San Francisco is getting in on a stunt that enlists Miles help to save the city .

  18. 中国成都作为国内外都颇具名气的休闲城市,市民以会享受生活而闻名国内外。

    Chengdu are quite well known as a leisure city in China and abroad , the people of which are known to be able to enjoy life .

  19. 一般市民只会在9月底通过当地媒体收到该计划的“通知”。

    The general public is only to be " informed " at the end of September of the plans by means of communications to the local press .

  20. 若能把人口及就业集中于铁路车站附近,市民便会减少对私家车的倚赖,为路面的交通情况及环境带来益处。

    By concentrating population and employment around railway stations , reliance on the private car will be reduced , with consequent benefits for road traffic conditions and the environment .

  21. 但是,象在九寨沟一样,成群结队的市民仍然会涌进景区,踩着木板栈道,在巴士路线的终点盛装的小贩那里买上廉价艳丽的小饰物。

    But queues of citizens will still be trundled in , as at Jiuzhaigou , to tread the boardwalks and purchase tchotchkes from costumed hawkers at the end of the bus route .

  22. 居住在新界例如沙田、大埔和屯门的市民,会有较多机会找到沿著河道觅食和休息的鹭鸟。

    People who live in the New Territories , for example , Shatin , Tai Po and Tuen Mun will have more chance to find them feeding and resting alongside the river channels .

  23. 最后我想问一下,你什么时候来香港,亲自为我们打打气,我想香港市民一定会很欢迎的。

    And the last question is when do you plan to visit Hong Kong to encourage the people of Hong Kong to overcome their difficulties ? I am sure you will be most welcome there .

  24. 我深信,全体香港市民都会期待着香港的青年人表现出这样的精神状态:更多地讲求义务,对自己和社会作出更大的承担。

    I firmly believe that it is the expectation of Hong Kong people that our young people will demonstrate such a spirit , that is , to focus more on the fulfilment of obligations and be more committed to oneself and the community .

  25. 世博会旅游形象的结构化与非结构化测量&以重庆市民对世博会感知为例

    Structural and Non-structural Measurement of the Tourism Image of the Expos

  26. 据重庆经济时报报道,星期二开幕的这次为期一周的展览其目的在于向广大市民普及世博会的知识。

    Chongqing Economic Times reports the one week exhibition which started on Tuesday aims to offer knowledge about the World Expo .

  27. 同时,市民社会也会以其区别于政治国家的特质对整个经济和社会产生重要影响。

    Besides , civil society has its characteristics which is differentiated from political state , and it can also influence the whole society significantly .

  28. 所以,市民的歧视会严重削弱新生代农民工对城市的归属感和认同感。

    Therefore , the discrimination of the public would seriously undermine the Sense of belonging and identity of the new generation of migrant workers .

  29. 这测量了已知的被感染的电脑数量。世博会旅游形象的结构化与非结构化测量&以重庆市民对世博会感知为例

    This measures the number of computers that are known to be infected . Structural and Non-structural Measurement of the Tourism Image of the Expos

  30. 政府呼吁伦敦市民在奥运会期间出门旅游,以避免主要热点地区的人群拥挤,对此伦敦民众并没有表现出太多的关注。

    Nor are Londoners paying much attention to entreaties to plan their travel during the Games in order to avoid horrific congestion at key hot spots .