
  1. 市政污水处理中MBR和CAS工艺的污泥特性的研究

    Comparison between of sludge characteristics of MBR and CAS processes for municipal wastewater treatment

  2. MBR应用于市政污水处理研究

    Application of MBR to Treat Municipal Wastewater

  3. 市政污水处理中的沼气发电技术

    Electricity Generation Technology Using Methane in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant

  4. 悬浮链移动曝气工艺在市政污水处理中的应用

    Application of Suspend Chain Floating Aeration Process in the Municipal Sewage Treatment

  5. 市政污水处理厂工艺运行探讨

    Investigation on the running performance of municipal sewage treatment plant

  6. 市政污水处理场的景观设计

    The Scenery Designing in City Sewage Disposal Place

  7. 污泥作为市政污水处理不可避免的副产物,给城市环境带来了越来越多的危害。

    As the by-product of municipal sewage treatment , sewage sludge had brought to cities lots of environmental problems .

  8. 北京城市绿地景观格局与生物多样性保护研究市政污水处理场的景观设计

    Studies on Landscape Pattern and Biodiversity Conservation of Municipal Open Space in Beijing The Scenery Designing in City Sewage Disposal Place

  9. 对四座污水处理厂各期工程中分别采用的六种市政污水处理工艺及其流程进行具体介绍。

    The treatment flow of the six processes adopted by the various phase projects of the four treatment plants is described in detail .

  10. 直接排放会造成严重环境污染,进入市政污水处理厂又会对其中的微生物系统造成破坏。

    Direct emission will not meet environmental protection standards and will cause serious environmental pollution , access to municipal sewage treatment plant which will also damage the microbial systems .

  11. 这些废水可能含有沙、盐、微量放射性物质以及水力压裂法所用到的化学物质,通常会排放到市政污水处理系统或蓄水池中。

    The waste water , which can contain sand , salt , and trace amounts of radioactivity and fracking chemicals , typically gets dumped into municipal wastewater systems or into storage pits .

  12. 本研究以市政污水处理厂的剩余活性污泥作为菌种来源,以柴油为唯一碳源,采用生物滴滤池挂膜富集培养石油烃降解菌群。

    In this study , petroleum hydrocarbon degradation flora were cultured in the bio-trickling filter , in which seeded with waste activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant , and diesel oil as the sole carbon source .

  13. 探讨了如何使这一监测手段能够更加有效地应用于市政污水处理行业,以及在应用中存在的一些问题和经验,为我国城市污水处理行业应用在线监测的监管手段提供了重要的借鉴经验。

    The paper discusses how to permit this monitoring means to be effectively applied in municipal wastewater treatment sector , and some problems existing in the application and experiences , which provides an important reference for the application of online monitoring means in Chinese urban wastewater treatment sector .

  14. 为了实现脉冲SBR深度脱氮的实时控制,以某污水处理厂市政污水为处理对象,考察了脉冲SBR在深度脱氮过程中pH及ORP的变化规律。

    In order to achieve the real-time control of advanced nitrogen removal in the pulsed SBR ( sequence batch reactor ), the variation patterns of pH value and ORP during the advanced nitrogen removal were studied by using SBR to treat domestic sewage in a WWTP .

  15. 二氧化氯在市政污水消毒处理中的应用研究

    The Application Study of Disinfection with Dioxide Chlorin in Gray Water

  16. 连续膜过滤技术在市政污水深度处理中的应用

    Application of Continuous Membrane Filtration Technology to Advanced Treatment of Municipal Sewage

  17. 生物处理法现在广泛的应用于富含磷的食品及市政污水的处理。

    Biological treatment was widely used in the removal of organophosphorous chemicals in food and domestic wastewater .

  18. 论文主要研究了中空纤维超滤膜的制备工艺条件及其在市政污水深度处理中的应用。

    This paper mainly studied the hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane preparation conditions and the applications of municipal wastewater treatment .

  19. 活性污泥工艺作为常用的市政污水的处理工艺,对于四环素类抗生素的去除具有极其重要的意义。

    Activated sludge process was extremely significant to the removal of tetracycline antibiotics as the common municipal sewage treatment .

  20. 大型综合性医院的污水消毒方案比较二氧化氯在市政污水消毒处理中的应用研究

    Comparison Among Disinfection Technologies of Sewage Discharged from Large General Hospitals The Application Study of Disinfection with Dioxide Chlorin in Gray Water

  21. 非满管流量测量技术是市政排水、污水处理、农用灌溉等领域进行水量监测的最重要技术之一。

    The flow measurement in the partially filled pipes is one of the most important technology for implementing monitoring to the flow of urban sewage discharge , agricultural irrigation and other fields .

  22. 它适合于低温低浊水、市政污水等水质的处理,具有用量少、污泥少、除浊高、对出水pH影响小等优点。

    They were suitable for the treatment of low temperature and low turbidity water and municipal wastewater , and have the advantages of less dosage , less sludge , high efficiency of turbidity removal and insignificant effect on effluent pH.

  23. 作为市政公用工程的有机组成之一,市政污水处理工程承载着城市基础设施建设的重任,为城市人民生产、生活的稳定提供保障和服务。

    As one of the organic composition of the municipal public works , municipal sewage treatment works bear the responsibility of urban infrastructure construction , makes sure of the stability and serves to the city people in manufacture and lives .