
  • 网络Market recognition;Market Identity;Corporative Identity
  1. 市场识别了会计舞弊吗?&来自沪深股市的经验证据

    Does Market Identify the Accounting Fraudulence : an Empirical Analysis over Some Public Companies from China

  2. 另外,由于校园市场识别涉及到大量用户数据的迭代循环,需要耗费系统资源,因此特别对系统性能的调优进行了研究。

    The indentification on campus users concerned about huge amounts of users ' data iterative loop , which will waste lots of system resources , so the research on the optimization for system function has been made .

  3. 市场力识别与度量指标研究;

    Study of the index for detecting and measuring market power ;

  4. 他们辩称,如果市场无法识别泡沫,监管者也无能为力。

    If markets cannot recognise bubbles , they argued , neither can regulators .

  5. 细分市场,识别目标受众

    Segment the market and identify the target audience

  6. 基于熵权模糊综合评判的企业市场机遇识别直觉模糊综合评判在目标识别中的应用

    An Entropy-weighted Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Model for Entrepreneurial Market Opportunity Identification ; Target Recognition Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation

  7. 整个框架包括:市场机会识别、顾客测量、产品定位等模块。

    The whole frame includes some modules such as : market opportunity identification , customer measurement , product position , etc.

  8. 本研究为盟主企业提供从市场机遇识别、价值链分析、核心能力识别到合作伙伴选择及合作伙伴管理的一整套解决方案。

    This paper gives market opportunity identification , value chain analysis , core capability identification , partners ' selection and management for the broker company .

  9. 动态联盟组建的一般内容包括市场机遇识别、联盟组成结构确定、伙伴选择和组织系统设计等。

    In general , building a Virtual Enteprrise includes recognition of market opportunity , decision of composition structure , selection of companion and design of organization system .

  10. 这些有关市场机会识别、新产品定位及评价的战略策划问题对我国汽车制造企业的决策者来说是一个必须回答但又很难准确回答的关键性决策问题。

    Such strategically questions as market opportunity identification , new product positioning and evaluation are must to be answered questions and difficult to be answered key decisive questions .

  11. 通过价值链理论探讨了作为价值企业走向供应链合作的必然性,分析了企业节点到供应链网络的博弈过程,提出了从市场机遇识别开始到供应链合作关系形成的供应链项目构建流程。

    The inevitability of the cooperation among supply chain enterprises is demonstrated by applying value chain theory . The game process is discussed in forming a supply chain project .

  12. 这些服务于商品或服务的形象,由于其自身的特征以及长期的使用具有了在市场上识别特定商品或服务的作用,这样就可以作为商业外观受到法律的保护。

    The elements of these goods or services , because of their own characteristics and long - term use , can serve as a source identifier of the goods and services in the market .

  13. 假设垄断者测试须与市场竞争者识别区别开,前者考虑的是需求替代性,后者考虑的是供给替代,对此各国富有争议而规定不一。

    Suppose monopolist test to identify and distinguish between market players , the former needs to consider the alternative , which is considered an alternative supply , which the countries of the dispute have different rules .

  14. 提出一种基于任务分解结构的虚拟企业构建过程框架,包括市场机遇识别,总体目标任务确定、分解和分析,伙伴企业优化选择3个阶段。

    This paper proposes a configuration process of virtual enterprise ( VE ) based on work breakdown structure ( WBS ) . The process consists of three stages : market opportunity identification ; determination , decomposition and analysis of the overall goal and task ;

  15. 主要研究结论如下:国际创业(InternationalEntrepreneurship)是指在海外市场机会的识别基础上,创业者创造性的整合国际资源,主动、创造性的进行价值创新和变革,从而实现企业跳跃式发展。

    The main conclusions of the study are as follows : International Entrepreneurship refers to the recognition of overseas market opportunities on the basis of creative entrepreneurs in the integration of international resources , initiative and creativity to the value of innovation and change , thus leap-style development of enterprises .

  16. 企业并购市场风险的识别研究

    Research on the Market Risk Discernment of Enterprises M & A

  17. 国债利率风险与市场风险的识别与规避

    Identifying and Covering the Interest Rate Risk and Market Risk of the Treasury Bonds

  18. 企业市场机会的识别与评价

    Distinguishing and Evaluating Market Opportunity of Enterprice

  19. 包括市场风险的识别、度量以及控制,并对加强市场风险管理提出了政策建议。

    Including market risk identification , measurement and control , and strengthening of market risk management policy recommendations .

  20. 发现现有产品的市场潜力,识别市场及产品发展机会,定期向商务经理提供市场分析报告。

    Realise market potential for existing products , and identify both market and product development opportunities , and provide periodic market analysis report to the Commercial Manager .

  21. 市场定位是识别差异化竞争优势,选择合适的差异化优势及与目标顾客进行沟通的过程,其目的是在目标顾客心目中确立有别于竞争对手的差异化竞争优势。

    Positioning is a process which to identify difference , develop difference and communicate with target customers . Its goal is to set up a differentiated customers .

  22. 然后对虚拟电信运营模式的各个阶段进行阐述和分析,其中涉及到市场机遇的识别、合作伙伴选择、虚拟合作、利益分配等方面;

    Then , the paper expounds and analyses every phase of virtual network operation pattern in detail , which includes the identification on market opportunity , the choice for cooperative partners and the profit allocation etc.

  23. 分析众多企业并购失败的案例,不难发现大多数企业在并购之后主要关注并购的财务风险、整合风险等,但对企业并购所存在的市场风险缺乏识别和防范。

    Analyzing many cases of failing M A , we can find that most enterprises pay attention to the financial risk , integrated risk and so on after M A , but market risk of M A is lacked to discern and prevent .

  24. 最后本文针对理财产品的信用风险及市场风险的识别与评估体系进行了简单的构建,并对理财产品风险管理体系的完善提出了相关建议。

    In the end , aiming at the credit risks and market risks of wealth management products , the thesis puts forward a simple design of risk identification and assessment system , and gives several proposals to perfect the risk management systems of wealth management products .

  25. 在文章最后,还对安电所医电产品市场营销机会识别进行了预测评价,综合比较分析了企业产品市场需求趋势及外来威胁因素,总结企业的市场机会。

    At the end of the article , it forecasts and evaluates the marketing identity strategy of Anhui Electric and Science Research Institute , compares and analyses the products ' requiring trend and external threaten , sums up the marketing opportunity of medical electric appliances enterprises .

  26. 以华夏大盘精选基金为例的实证研究表明基于SVM的混沌时间序列预测可以较好捕捉市场运行趋势和识别市场异常波动,是一种优秀的风险预测与管理工具。

    Empirical studies for the Huaxia foundation have shown that SVM-based prediction of chaotic time series can capture the market trends and identify market fluctuations well and it is an excellent risk prediction and management tools .

  27. 敏捷虚拟企业市场机遇分析与识别

    Analysis and Identification of Market Opportunity of Celerity Virtual Enterprises

  28. 基于云理论的企业市场竞争定位模糊识别

    Fuzzy Pattern Recognition of Company Market Competition Orientation Based on Clouds Theory

  29. 一种划分市场的方式是识别偏好细分市场。

    One way to carve up a market is to identify preference segments .

  30. 国际贸易市场性风险的识别与预警

    The Market Risk of International Trade and Its Precautions