
  1. 本文研究了CD移动公司的集团客户营销战略问题,提出了集团客户市场的营销战略、竞争战略以及实施方案。

    In this paper , I have studied the group client marketing strategy for CD mobile , meanwhile proposed the implementation plan of overall marketing strategy as well as the differentiation competitive strategy point to group client market .

  2. 国际汽车市场营销环境与企业竞争战略的新动向

    New Trends of International Auto Market Sale Environment and Enterprise Competitive Strategy

  3. 根据市场营销战略的有关理论,企业的市场营销战略包括竞争战略和定位及营销组合策略。

    According to the relative theories of the marketing strategy , the marketing strategy includes competitive strategy , position and marketing combined policy .