
  • 网络Churrasco;barbeque;Brazilian BBQ;Brazilian Churrascos
  1. 巴西烤肉是将牛肉、猪肉、鸡肉和香肠切成厚片,串在烤肉叉子上烤。

    Churrasco involves spearing slabs of beef , pork , chicken and sausage with skewers .

  2. 如今,随着这种烧烤方式越来越受到人们的青睐,人们甚至可以买到巴西烤肉架来烧烤。

    Nowadays with the growing popularity of this style of grilling you can even buy a churasco grill .

  3. 这其中包括拥有现场明档表演的集多种烹调风格的全日餐厅,中餐厅和巴西烤肉餐厅,以及各式酒吧和酒廊。

    Will offer everything from a multi cuisine All day dinning restaurant featuring live cooking stations , Chinese restaurant , Brazilian restaurant , a selection of bars and lounges .

  4. 目前,协会成员认为北京没有一家原汁原味的具有巴西特色烤肉的餐厅。

    Until now , Council members have felt that Beijing lacked a uniquely authentic Brazilian dining establishment .

  5. 他将做传统巴西佳肴黑豆烤肉“feijoada”,此外还有巴西鸡尾酒。

    He 'll be cooking a feijoada - a traditional Brazilian feast con-sisting of massive piles of pork and black beans . There will be Brazilian cocktails , as well .

  6. 我们力求在中国引介巴西文化并提升大众对纯正巴西烤肉及咖啡的认识。

    Our purpose is to introduce the Brazilian culture as well as bring the most authentic Brasil churrascaria and coffee into China .

  7. 巴西号称感官王国,在这里,感觉、嗅觉和味觉的体验总会更加强烈。对巴西烤肉的感受也是如此。这是该国菜单上最受喜爱的食物之一,从烤架上取下烤肉简直是人生乐事。

    Brazil is a realm of the senses , where everything is felt , smelled and tasted more intensely . That goes for one of the country 's favorite menu items , churrasco , meaty delights pulled off the barbecue grill .