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  1. 河北清河与巨鹿道教音乐之比较研究

    The Comparative Research on the Taoist Music in Julu County and Qinghe County of Hebei Province

  2. 河间在春秋属燕国之域,战国时期分属燕、赵二国,秦属巨鹿郡。

    Hejian Yan State in the Spring and Autumn are the domain , belong to the Warring States period Yan , Zhao two countries , Qin is Julu County .

  3. 清河与巨鹿相比,在道乐的历史、传统、规模、影响难以相提并论。

    Compared with that in the Julu County , the history , tradition , scale , and impact of Taoist music in Qinghe County can not be mentioned in the same breath .

  4. 赵王歇被迫放弃都城邯郸(现河北省邯郸市),退守巨鹿(今河北邢台)。

    The Prince Xie of Zhao was compelled to abandon the capital Handan ( in modern city of Handan in Hebei ) , and retreated to Julu ( in modern Xingtai , Hebei ) .

  5. 本文在撰写当中以音乐人类学结合历史学、宗教学、民俗学等领域,从清河道乐产生的原因以及与巨鹿道乐的比较,对文化现象进行梳理和分析,并有所思考。

    This paper combines Anthropology of Music with History , Science of Religion , Folklore and other fields , and reviews and analyzes cultural phenomenon from the reasons of the birth of the Qinghe Taoist music and comparison with Julu Taoist music .

  6. 东汉末年,巨鹿(今河北平乡)人张角创太平道,自称大贤良师,在各地传教,并免费给穷人看病。

    At the end of the Eastern Han , Zhang Jiao of Julu ( modern Pingxiang in Hebei Province ) established a secret Taoist sect - Tai Ping Dao , declaring himself to be Great Teacher . He traveled around the country propagating his faith and dispensing free treatment to the sick .