
  1. 采用工程量清单招标应注意的几个问题

    Matters needing attention in bid invitation by using detailed engineering quantities

  2. 厦门市工程量清单招标计价方法探讨

    Approach to the Methods of Priced List of Quantities in Xiamen City

  3. 工程量清单招标与企业定额

    Bid - Invitation by Construction Volume List and Enterprise Quota

  4. 工程量清单招标模式下军事工程招标模式研究

    Study on the Military Engineering Tender Pattern of the Resilience Detailed List

  5. 工程量清单招标中的防止恶性低价对策

    Countermeasures of Preventing Vicious Lowest Bidding in the Construction Tender

  6. 工程量清单招标文件的编制

    On Organizing the Tender Document for Programs on the Project Volume List

  7. 工程量清单招标中应用的计算机辅助系统

    Application of Computer-Aided System to Tendering Based on BOQ

  8. 浅谈推行工程量清单招标的运行环境

    Running environment for carrying out engineering quantity list bidding

  9. 施工企业在工程量清单招标模式下的报价技巧

    Quotation Skills of BOQ Bidding Mode in Construction Enterprises

  10. 对工程量清单招标模式的思考

    Thought on Bidding System under BOQ Valuation Model

  11. 浅析工程量清单招标办法

    Analysis on Competitive - bidding with Quantities Bill

  12. 工程量清单招标中施工组织设计模糊综合评价

    Fuzzy Synthesis Evaluation of Design of Construction Organization Based upon tender of Bill of Quantities

  13. 大型工业建设项目实施工程量清单招标问题分析与对策探讨

    Problems and Countermeasures of Implementing the Bill of Quantity Bidding in Large Industrial Construction Projects

  14. 工程量清单招标方法及其特点

    Methods and Characteristics of Construction-volume Inventory Bidding

  15. 建立企业施工定额是推行工程量清单招标的关键

    Establishing Enterprise 's Construction Quota is the Key for Promoting the Public-bidding with the Quantities Bill

  16. 完善工程量清单招标的几点思考

    Views on Improving Engineering List Bidding

  17. 如何在工程量清单招标模式下提高中标率

    How to improve the rate of winning the bid under bidding mode of bill of quantities

  18. 试谈工程量清单招标中对投标单位最低成本的测算

    Discussing the assessment of the lowest cost of tender Corporation in bill of quantity calling for tenders

  19. 工程量清单招标中投标单位的机遇与报价技巧

    Opportunity of Bidders ' Enterprises in Bid Invitation by Engineering Quantity Bill and the Skill of Quotation

  20. 工程量清单招标已成为今后主要的招标形式。

    Invitation to bid by bill of quantities has become the main type of tendering in the future .

  21. 在采用工程量清单招标时编写招标文件应注意的问题

    Discussion on Issues to which Special Attention should be Paid when Editing Bill of Quantities of Bidding Document

  22. 工程量清单招标采用合理低价中标法评标的探索

    Research on assessing bid method of selecting bid with a reasonably low price in calling for tender with bill of quantities

  23. 建设项目工程量清单招标及评标方法研究

    Study on the Bidding and the Methods of Commenting on Bidding under the Mode of Valuation with BOQ of Construction Projects

  24. 论述了当前工程量清单招标的现状及建立企业定额的必要性。

    This paper dwells on the present situation of inviting bids by construction volume list and the necessity of establishing enterprise quota .

  25. 现有的经验表明,工程量清单招标是节约资金、提高经济效益的有效途径。

    Existing experience suggests that valuation with bill quantity of construction works is an effective way for saving capital and improving economy benefits .

  26. 本文论述了工程量清单招标特点及其工作准备和工作程序,对指导实施工程量清单招标具有指导作用。

    This paper states the characteristic of engineering bill bidding and its working program to provide direction function for implementing engineering bill bidding .

  27. 提出通过完善工程量清单招标方法采用合理最低价中标原则可以控制造价。

    Proposes through the perfect invite tender under the bill of quantities method using the lowest bid reasonable principle can control the cost .

  28. 为适应工程量清单招标的需要,建筑施工企业建立自己的企业定额已势在必行。

    In order to meet the needs of the public-bidding with the quantities bill , the construction enterprises must establish their own enterprise quota .

  29. 研究投标企业在工程量清单招标模式下如何投标报价,已成为国内专家学者和工程建设领域专业人员的热点话题。

    Study on the bidding of tender companies has become a hot topic for the experts and professionals of construction based on the bill of quantities bidding .

  30. 通过对目前招标投标方式存在问题的分析,提出实行工程量清单招标的必要性。

    Through the analysis of the problems in the current practice of inviting and submitting tenders , the author points out the necessity of providing the engineering detailed list .