
  1. 基于LCM需求的500kV输变电工程竣工决算分析

    500 kV power transmission and distribution project completion accounting analysis based on LCM demand

  2. 工程竣工决算审查的一点体会

    Comprehension of the final accounting of revenue and expenditure censoring in the project completing

  3. 影响工程竣工决算报表准确性因素的研究年度收支决算报告表

    Research on the Factors Influencing the Accuracy of the Final Accounts for the Completed Project annual statement of receipt and expenditure

  4. 建设项目成本管理工作是建设项目管理的核心内容,从项目前期策划、可行性研究,招标报价,直至工程竣工决算为止,始终贯穿于项目的全过程。

    Project cost management is the core subject of the construction project management . Project planning , feasibility analysis , bidding and account settlement , run through the whole process of the project .

  5. 本课程主要内容包括投资估算、设计概算、施工图预算、施工预算、工程结算及竣工决算等。

    The main contents of this course includes the investment to estimate , design budget estimation and diagram budget , etc.

  6. 据统计,建筑业有多达2/3的建设工程项目在竣工决算时超过预算,做好施工阶段的成本控制和资源管理已成为工程项目管理的重要任务。

    According to statistics , there are as many as 2 / 3 of the construction projects in which the final accounts exceed the budget . It is an important task of construction management to management resource and control cost .

  7. 本文主要介绍了建设单位从工程项目立项到竣工决算成本控制中存在的问题,并且针对存在的问题提出了相应的措施。

    This paper describes the existing problems in cost control in the whole process of project , and raises the corresponding measures .

  8. 通过实例,探讨了在铁路工程施工中,建设单位与施工单位就工程签订的单价合同和可调总价合同两种合同方式的情况下,在工程竣工后,工程竣工决算的编制方法。

    This article discusses the making method of final statement at completion of project by elaborating on such two types of contracts as " unit price contract " and " lump sum adjustable contract " singed by the owner and the contractor during the construction of railway engineering .

  9. 工程财务管理是财务管理系统的一个组成部分,它包括工程成本核算、工程资金筹措及运用、工程预算管理、工程合同管理、工程工程竣工决算管理等方面。

    Infrastructure Management is the constituent of Financial Management System , including cost accounting , financing and use , budget management , contract management , and final accounts management of completion .