
  • 网络site meeting
  1. 监理工程师可通过工地会议方式发出有关指示。

    Supervisory engineers can make relevant instructions through site meeting .

  2. 公路施工监理能否运用好监理工作指令、工地会议、工程抽检转序和监理日志记录等四个最重要的监理工作方法是体现监理工作质量的关键。

    It 's a key of ensuring supervision quality if highway construction supervision can well utilize four the most important supervision methods as instruction for supervision work , site meeting , selective examination of project and daily record of supervision conditions .

  3. 在太平洋沿岸建筑工地在旧金山会议本星期,你可以找到家居设计并开始出现智能材料中的元素,也许未来的超级连接的家园。

    At the Pacific Coast Builders'Conference in San Francisco this week , you can find the elements of home design and smart materials beginning to emerge , perhaps the future of super connected homes .