
ɡōnɡ yè shēnɡ chǎn zǒnɡ zhí
  • Gross Industrial Product;gross value of industrial output
  1. 滨海新区设立了富有胆识的发展目标:2010年GDP比上年同期增长24.5%,全年工业生产总值同比增长25%。

    The new area has set a bold target of a24.5-percent year-on-year GDP growth for2010 , and a yearly industrial output growth rate of25 percent .

  2. 在我国,50%以上的GDP(国民生产总值)、70%以上的工业生产总值、90%以上的高等教育和科技力量都集中在城市。

    In China , it is more than 50 % of the GDP , 70 % of industrial product and 90 % of the higher education and scientific capability that are concentrated in the cities .

  3. 并用其确立的混沌动力学模型对1985-2004年江苏省GDP、工业生产总值、第一产业值进行了预测。把此预测结果与实际值进行了比较,结果证明误差较小。

    The effectiveness of the proposed method is tested by comparison of the real data with the regulative forecasting model for GDP , the gross industrial product , the first-industry product of 1985-2004 in Jiangsu Province .

  4. 非轮胎橡胶制品的工业生产总值一直在快速上升。

    The total industrial production value of non-tire rubber goods is raising fast all the time .

  5. 浙江纺织产业是浙江省传统支柱产业,在全省工业生产总值和出口贸易中处于十分重要的地位。

    Textile industry is a traditional and important industry in Zhejiang province , it plays a vital role in gross industrial production and export trade .

  6. 占我国工业生产总值2/3以上的广大中小企业将面临国际化经营的问题。

    The small and medium-sized enterprises which account for more than 2 / 3 of industry 's total output value of our country will face the problem of managing in internationalization .

  7. 结果表明:长沙城市热岛强度与市区人口两者的线性关系较好,与地区生产总值、地区工业生产总值和建筑业生产总值呈对数关系。

    The results show that There is a good linear relationship between UHI intensity and urban population for Changsha , and a logarithmic relationship between UHI intensity and regional GDP , gross industrial production , and gross construction production .

  8. 由于种棉织布的兴起,清代前期松江府农民的商品性生产总值超过了自给性生产总值,农民家庭手工业生产总值与农业生产总值大体相当。

    Because of the rising of cotton - planting and weaving , the total value of commodity production sur surpasses that of self-sufficient - production , the total value of family-handicraft - production of peasants is equivalent to that of agricultural production on the whole .

  9. 中国经济在经过改革开放三十年的积累正进入一个健康高速发展的阶段,我国的工业生产总值在2010年首度超过日本位居世界第二。

    The economy of China is going into a health and high speed development phase after through 30 years ' accumulation of reform and opening , our country ' industrial total productive values firstly surpassed Japan and stood in the second position in the world in 2010 .

  10. 截止到2004年武汉市远城区工业占地区生产总值的比重已经达到22.91%。

    Till the year of 2004 the industrial proportion of the distant suburban area has reached 22.91 % of the total industrial output of the area .

  11. 意大利是多元化的工业经济,国民生产总值和平均资本输出量等同于英法。

    Italy has a diversified industrial economy with roughly the same total and per capita output as France and the United Kingdom .

  12. 自上世纪90年代以来,印度纺织工业连续多年保持高速增长的势头,并且迅速在全球纺织品市场取得了相当的竞争优势。纺织工业在印度的工业生产总值、就业人口和外汇创收中占据重要地位;

    The Indian textile industry has maintained high - speed development since the 1990s and gained considerable competitive advantages on the world market .