
  1. 巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来。

    The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in .

  2. 每块崩碎剥落的石头都是一部编年史。

    Every mouldering stone was a chronicle .

  3. Q.如果把牙齿的温度降到很低,有没有可能在喝到热咖啡的时候牙齿就崩碎了?——

    INBOX , Q. Would it be possible to get your teeth to such a cold temperature that they would shatter upon drinking a hot cup of coffee ?

  4. 偶尔不是骨头被咬碎,就是崩碎了他的牙齿。

    Sometimes it was the bone that broke , sometimes his teeth .

  5. 茂名颗粒油页岩的干燥与崩碎

    Drying and disintegration of particulate Maoming oil shale

  6. 冲我慷慨地崩碎像面包。

    And broke on me generously as bread .

  7. 要多久他的火焰就足以崩碎石头融化钢铁?

    How soon till his fire burns hot enough to crack stone and melt iron ?

  8. 茂名油页岩在加热干燥时产生热崩碎的原因可能与这一奇特的热膨胀行为有关。

    This queer behavior may be the cause of thermal bursting of Maoming oil shale during retorting .

  9. 提出工程陶瓷的磨削模型可划分为3个变形区:脆性崩碎区,非弹性变形区和残留破坏区。

    The grinding model of ceramics grinding can be described as three regions : brittle fracture , non & elastic deformation and residual damage regions .

  10. 针对钻井用吊钳牙板使用时易崩碎、不耐磨的特点,分析了原因,改进了牙板渗碳淬火的热处理工艺。

    Based on carburizing quench test of synthetic quenching medium , this paper analyzes the heat treatment process of20Cr and discusses the applicability of synthetic quenching medium .

  11. 因为先进陶瓷脆性大,加工中容易崩碎、出现裂纹,影响其表面质量和使用性能。

    But high brittleness makes advanced ceramics easily brittle fracture in the process of machining . It will affect the surface quality and service performance of parts .

  12. 传统硬质磨料加工蓝宝石时,蓝宝石表面会产生崩碎、划痕等损伤,需进一步采用化学机械抛光加工提高质量。

    There are chipping , scratches and other damages produced by traditional hard abrasive machining method , and a further chemical mechanical polishing processing is necessary to improve quality .

  13. 我看不到那树原先的模样,看不见曾穿透果核,能崩碎你的牙齿的力量,也看不到那使它与橡树和绿草相区别的原则。

    I saw nothing of the tree 's origin , nothing of the might which had forced open a pit you could break your teeth on , and nothing of the principle which held it separate from the oaks and the grasses .