
  • 网络peak time;time to peak;Tmax
  1. 结果:实验组NO峰时较对照组后移,FN水平在峰值上明显高于对照组。

    Results The NO peak time of the experimental group was markedly higher than that of the control .

  2. 47例螨类皮肤病的本底、峰值和峰时均无显著差异。拟长毛钝绥螨与朱砂叶螨相互作用的实验研究:功能反应和捕食过程

    The blank peak values and peak time in acarine dermatosis showed no significant difference . EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON ACARINE PREDATOR & PREY INTERACTIONS : FUNCTIONAL RESPONSES AND PREDATORY PROCESS

  3. 当登山者接近珠穆朗玛峰时,他们很难呼吸到空气。

    It 's very hard for the climbers to take in air as they get near the top of Qomolangma .

  4. 暗适应视网膜电图a波、b波振幅和峰时和正常对照比较无显著差异。

    The a-wave and b-wave of the dark adaptation electroretinogram had little change .

  5. 注射剂量对上矢状窦峰时升高CT值有显著性影响。

    Injection dose had a significant effect on RV of superior sagital venous .

  6. 单纯TCD峰时后延评价脑动脉硬化的临床意义

    Clinical Value of Peak-time Delay in Diagnosing Cerebral Arteriosclerosis on TCD

  7. 分析GFRDTPA、CCR、RI和峰时肾血流量间的关系。

    The correlation among CCR , GFR_ DTPA , RI and peak renal blood flow volume were analyzed .

  8. 该法利用血药浓度-时间曲线的特征值(峰值c(mar)、达峰时tm及转折值c1)来直接计算ka。

    The method utilizes characteristic values of drug blood concentration-tlme curve ( the peak value , the time needed to reach the peak value and the inflectional value ) to calculate k_a directly .

  9. 所以,作为一家私营企业,“峰时价格”主要是为了让Uber的用户在路上能拦到更多的车。

    So being a private company , of course , surge pricing is generally about getting more cars on the road for Uber customers .

  10. 提出了一种用线性调频Z变换进行频谱校正的新方法,通过提高局部频段内的频率分辨率解决离散谱线不能对准实际谱峰时所带来的误差。

    A new spectrum correction method based on Chirp Z Transform is presented , by which the frequency resolution can be increased according to users ' requirements and thus a richer spectrum can be obtained and more accurate spectrum peaks can be found .

  11. GFRDTPA、CCR均与彩超所测峰时肾血流量、肾血流丰富程度正相关,与肾动脉阻力负相关,且随肾功能下降肾血供减少。

    There was positive correlation among CCR , GFR_ DTPA and peak renal blood flow volume but which was negatively correlated with RI . The renal blood volume diminished with the decline of the renal function .

  12. 对出租车给予特权是合情合理的(比如有权在街头接纳招手打车的乘客),这些特权是对受到严密监管的补偿(比如说,他们不能像Uber那样,在供应紧缺时段实行峰时价格)。

    It makes sense to give taxis privileges , such as the right to be hailed in the street , to compensate for being tightly regulated ( and not , for example , applying surge pricing at times of scarcity , as Uber does ) .

  13. 对出租车给予特权是合情合理的(比如有权在街头接纳招手打车的乘客),这些特权是对受到严密监管的补偿(比如说,他们不能像Uber那样,在供应紧缺时段实行“峰时价格”)。

    It makes sense to give taxis privileges , such as the right to be hailed in the street , to compensate for being tightly regulated ( and not , for example , applying " surge pricing " at times of scarcity , as Uber does ) .

  14. 结果:随离心度增加,FOK反应P1、N1波有振幅密度值逐渐降低、峰时先逐渐缩短后逐渐延长的特征;

    Results : With the increasing of the eccentricity , the amplitude density of the P 1 and N 1 wave of the FOK had the characteristic of gradual decreasing , whereas the latency was shortened first , and then prolonged from 1 to 5 ring gradually ;

  15. 方法对33例(60眼)干性AMD患者和18例(30眼)正常人应用稳态的闪烁光LERG和全视野暗适应闪光ERG检测,测量振幅和峰时。

    Methods 33 patients ( 60 eyes ) with dry form AMD as well as 18 control subjects ( 30 eyes ) were tested with steady state flicker LERG and total visual field dark adaptation flash ERG amplitudes and implicit times of the responses were measured .

  16. 局部视网膜电图的平均振幅显著下降,平均峰时明显延长;

    The mean amplitude and mean implicit of local electroretinogram changed obviously .

  17. 青霉素肌注后峰时手指血与静脉血药浓度差异的探讨

    Difference of the peak plasma concentration of penicillin in finger and venous blood

  18. 其中就包括了实行2倍的峰时价格。

    This included putting 2x surge pricing into effect .

  19. 我了解到你在准备攀登珠穆朗玛峰时作了很多跑步运动。

    I read you did a lot of running to get ready for climbing Mt.

  20. 单靠峰时血浆浓度来确定生物利用度会导致误解,因为药物一进入血流就会开始药物消除。

    Bioavailability determinations based on the peak plasma concentration can be misleading , because drug elimination begins as soon as the drug enters the bloodstream .

  21. 该方法不仅简化了具有多重强峰时匀场最优化过程,而且能够扩展到包括非轴向的三维自动匀场。

    This method proposed herein greatly simplifies the shim optimization and is readily to be extended to three dimensions to include off - axis shimming .

  22. 在攀登珠穆朗玛峰时保护环境,一位年轻的尼泊尔登山者正试图普及一种马桶,这种马桶是用塑料桶改制的,上面还有一个盖子。

    A young Nepali climber is seeking to popularize a toilet fashioned from a plastic bucket with a lid to promote eco-friendly climbing on Mount Qomolangma .

  23. 很多年之前,伟大的英国探险家乔治?马拉里在攀登珠穆朗玛峰时遇难。

    Many years ago the great British explorer George Mallory , who was to die on Mount Everest , was asked why did he want to climb it .

  24. 当图像灰度直方图具有多峰时,模糊散度图像分割方法的参数初始化有困难。针对这一问题,基于直方图指数平滑峰点自动检测原理,提出了一种自适应的模糊散度图像分割算法。

    To overcome the difficulty of parameter initializing in fuzzy divergence image segmentation method when histogram have many peaks , an adaptive image segmentation algorithm is proposed based on peak searching of histogram exponentially smoothed .

  25. 当他们到山下准备攻峰时,天气突然转坏了,但是他们还是要执意的上山去。

    When they came to the foot of the mountain and about to climb up , the weather went bad , but this could not hold them back from climbing , so , the girl was left behind watching the camp .

  26. 结果显示不同程度脑梗塞患者,其认知功能降低不同,本文指出,P(300)峰潜时是评价大脑认知功能的客观而敏感的指标。

    The results showed that decrease of cognitive function was different in patients with cerebral infarction of different degree . The paper suggested that the peak latency of P300 was objective and sensitive index of brain cognitive function evaluation .

  27. 视神经不全损伤后急性期P1波振幅降低,峰潜时延长(P<0.01)。

    Optic nerve postinjuryed at 2 hours , the P_1 wave amplitude decreased and latency increased ( P < 0.01 ) .

  28. 总体上,当作为输入向量的FTIR特征谱峰越多时,则网络的平均分类识别正确率越高;

    The LVQ neural network would show higher mean accurate rate of recognition , in general , as more FTIR characteristic frequencies were emdployed as input vectors ;

  29. 当股票价格达到“U”形的第二个峰点时,一些分析家就判断价格将会下降,因为在前一个峰点买进的投资者将抛售他们的股票。

    Once the stock price reaches the second peak of the " U ", some technical analysts believe that the price will fall as investors who bought at the previous peak start to sell their shares .

  30. 有部分峰重叠时NOESY谱的全弛豫矩阵分析

    Complete relaxation matrix analysis of NOESY spectrum in which a few peaks are overlapped