
yán shí wù lǐ xìnɡ zhì
  • rock physical properties
  1. 岩石物理性质研究技术

    Research in rock physical properties

  2. 通过实验资料统计分析了烃源岩的电化学性质、岩石物理性质及有机质三者之间的关系。

    This paper uses experimental data to analyse relations among electro-chemical properties , rock physical properties and organic matter in source rock by statistics .

  3. 测定反映岩石物理性质和状态的Q值的关键是测定振幅随距离的衰减系数α。

    The key to the determination of Q value which reflects the physical nature and state of rock lies in the determination of coefficient α at which amplitude attenuates with the distance .

  4. 四川盆地前白垩系岩石物理性质的研究

    Study of the physical property of the Pre-Cretaceous rocks in the Sichuan Basin

  5. 国际高强度低合金钢会议在北京召开岩石物理性质学术讨论会在北京召开

    International Conference HSLA steel '85 the Symposium of physical properties of rocks , beijing , 28 june , 1991

  6. 岩石物理性质在不同方向的差异即各向异性必然导致地震波速度和衰减的各向异性。

    The anisotropy of physical characteristic of rock must cause the anisotropy of velocity and attenuation of seismic wave .

  7. 该方法是以岩心物性参数和岩石物理性质正演模拟为基础,分析岩石物性变化引起的地震响应特征变化,利用优选的地震属性进行储层预测。

    This method relies on the rock physics modeling and analysis on the relationship between seismic responses and variation of rock properties using optimized seismic attributes .

  8. 岩心夹持器是一种用于夹持和密封岩心,完成各种岩石物理性质测试及相关实验的装置。

    Core holder is a device used to hold the core and seal side face of the core on testing procedure of core physical feature and so on .

  9. 展望煤储层岩石物理性质研究的发展方向,作者认为煤储层岩石物理研究对煤层气勘探选区及开发具有十分重要的应用前景。

    Looking ahead the developing direction of the study of petrophysics of coal reservoirs , the authors believe that the study will show great significance in CBM exploration and development .

  10. 由于碳酸盐岩具有强的非均质性,研究成果地域性很强,对碳酸盐岩的基础研究成果和成功实例相对较少,所以有必要对碳酸盐岩岩石物理性质进行研究。

    Due to the strong heterogeneity of the carbonate rocks and strong regional research , the basic research achievement of carbonate and successful examples are few . So , it is necessary to study the physical properties of carbonate rocks .

  11. 岩体是一种变异性很强的工程材料,这是由于岩体内部物质成份及结构的变化,引起岩石物理力学性质的非均质性和各向异性。

    Abstract Rock body is an engineering material with strong variability .

  12. 疲劳载荷对岩石物理力学性质的影响

    Influence of fatigue loading on physical mechanical characteristics of rock

  13. 试论影响岩石热物理性质的因素及机制

    A discussion of factors influencing thermophysical characteristics of rocks and their mechanisms

  14. 岩石物理力学性质与可钻性

    Physical-mechanical properties and drillability of rocks

  15. 侏罗系易滑地层特殊的地层结构和岩石物理力学性质是控制崩滑灾害发生的主要因素。

    The authors then assess their influence on physical and mechanical properties of rock in the Three Gorges reservoir area .

  16. 三峡库区侏罗系易滑地层沉积特征及其对岩石物理力学性质的影响

    Sedimentation characteristics of the Jurassic SLIDING-PRONE stratum in the Three Gorges Reservoir area and their influence on physical and mechanical properties of rock

  17. 岩石的物理性质受岩石成分及蚀变状态控制,而岩石的工程学性质和力学特征是其物理性质的函数。

    The engineering properties and mechanical behavior are functions of the physical properties of the rock constituents and controlled by the alteration state .

  18. 对地温分布起控制作用或重要影响的因素是区域构造、深部地壳结构、岩石热物理性质、岩浆及地下水活动。

    The important and control factors on geothermal distribution are regional tectonics , deep crust sturctures , thermal physical properties , magma and underground water activity .

  19. 而且,岩石物理力学性质的影响与断裂力学性质、边界条件等的影响是互相联系的。

    Meanwhile , the effect of physical and mechanical properties of rocks co-exists with that caused by the change of mechanical properties of fractures and boundary conditions .

  20. 相变对矿物和岩石的物理性质有重要影响,会导致电导率、弹性波速、热力学、流变学参数的异常和产生相变磁效应等。

    It exerts an important influence on mineral physical properties , such as resulting in the abnormalities of conductivity , elastic wave velocity , thermodynamics and magnetic effect and so on .

  21. 横波速度由于更能直接反映岩石的物理性质,从而在许多工程、环境和地下水勘查中有重要作用。

    The shear ( S ) - wave velocity of near-surface materials and its effect on seismic-wave propagation are of fundamental interest in many engineering , environmental , and groundwater studies .

  22. 从分析钻进信息与岩石物理力学性质的关系入手,利用人工神经网络理论对所钻进的地层进行实时识别。

    Starting from the analyses of the relationship between drilling information and rock characters of physics and mechanics , the drilled strata can be identified using the artificial neural network theory .

  23. 基于对新桥矿露采下盘边坡的地质概况和岩石物理力学性质分析,采用极限平衡理论,通过双滑面型破坏模式的计算,对边坡作了稳定性分析。

    Based on geological condition and mechanics properties of open pit footwall slope rock in Xinqiao Pyrite Mine , the stope 's stability is analysed by calculation of double slide face type failure mode with limit equilibrium theory .

  24. 目前,华南地区通过数条地学大断面在内的地球物理探测工作,已经获得了大量深部地壳结构的信息,然而对其基底岩石的物理性质研究程度还不够。

    At present , Geophysical detection including the several great geological sections in South China has gained a large number of deep information about earth 's crust structure , but it is still inadequate to the physical property research of the base rock .

  25. 通过分析锚杆钻机的钻进信息与岩石物理力学性质的内在关系,选取相关钻进信息为识别岩层结构的特征参数,研制出新型顶板岩层结构探测仪。

    With the analysis on the internal relationship between the drilling information of the bolter and the rock physic mechanism property , the paper selected related drilling information as the feature parameters of the identified rock structure and a new roof rock structure probe was developed .

  26. 本文对承压水弹性动态的一些问题进行了探讨,得出如下结论:含水层孔隙压力的变幅与岩石物理力学性质有关,主要是体积弹性模量与孔隙率;

    In this paper , the author studied some problems about the mechanism of elastic behavior of confined water . The following conclusions are obtained : the variation amplitude of pore pressure in aquifer depends on rook 's physical and mechanical property , mainly on bulk modulus and porosity ;

  27. 熔体形态学及其对岩石物理和力学性质的影响

    The morphology of melt and its influence on petrophysics and mechanics

  28. 通过现场调查将莫高窟洞窟地层分为四个工程地质岩组,并对这四个岩组岩石的物理力学性质和动力学特性进行了分析测试;

    The cave strata at Mogao grottoes are divided into four engineering geological groups and their physical and mechanical properties are tested .

  29. 中性点的位置不但和隧道的几何尺寸有关,还与岩石的物理力学性质有关。

    The position of neutral point is not only determined by geometry of tunnel , but also influenced by the rock mass properties .

  30. 根据采空区的跨度及采空区顶板岩石的物理力学性质,采用多种经验公式对顶板安全厚度进行理论计算。

    Adopting various empirical formulas to theoretically calculate the secure thickness of roof based on the span of cavities and physico-mechanical properties of roof rock .