
shān mián yáng
  • sheep;goat
山绵羊[shān mián yáng]
  1. 本研究建立的山、绵羊胚胎移植效益评估模型和实例效益评估验证表明,该模型可以用于胚胎移植项目立项、项目实施效果评估等研究中。

    This study established the beneficial assessment models in goats and sheep embryo transfer . The model could be used for embryo transfer project approval , impact assessment and other research related to MOET .

  2. 该毒株可在接种后12~17h内引起山羊羔、绵羊羔,以及犊牛发生急性腹泻,并排出大量病毒,其核酸电泳图型及组抗原检测也与原接种病毒一致。

    The KB-63 strain caused acute diarrhea in kid , lamb and calf during 12-17 hours postinoculation , and all diarrhea animals sheded a large quantity of viruses . The electrophoresis profile of the virus and virus-group antigen examination were consistent with inoculated virus .

  3. 山羊绒和绵羊毛纤维鉴别的技术研究

    The Research of Technique Used in Identification of Cashmere and Sheep Wool Fiber

  4. 羊皮纸:用山羊皮或绵羊皮造成的书写物料。充羊皮纸是把纸浸渍于植物油内而成。

    Parchment : A writing material made from goat or sheep skin . An impregnated with vegetable oils .

  5. 应用毡缩球法研究了羊毛、马海毛、兔绒、山羊绒、绵羊绒和牦牛绒的毡缩性能。

    The milling property of wool , mohair , rabbit hair , cashmere , sheep cashmere and yak hair was examined by using milling ball test method .

  6. 以山羊痘疫苗免疫绵羊防制绵羊痘的报告

    A report of the use of goat pox vaccine in control sheep pox