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  1. 伊斯坦贝山之战是工人运动的重要组成部分。

    The Battle of Istambay Mountain was an important part of the labor movement .

  2. 泰迪罗斯福的骑兵又带着它在圣胡安山之战中赢得了胜利。

    Teddy Roosevelt 's Rough Riders carried it to victory at the Battle of San Juan Hill .

  3. 卡辛诺山攻守战之中,六世纪建筑的本笃修道院也遭破坏。

    One casualty of the battle for Monte Cassino was the Benedictine monastery , built in the6th century .

  4. 朝廷迫于无奈,只好通过石门山之战和凯口之战等多次战役,强行开辟了这片生界。

    The court forced , had many battles through " Shimenshan war " and " Kay mouth war " forcibly opened up this piece of the Mesozoic .

  5. 下周在主场曼联将与利物浦展开天王山之战,3周来曼联终于在榜首争夺中探出一个身位。

    Ahead of next week 's potentially decisive clash with Liverpool at Moss Lane , United made a lightning start in a first competitive outing for three weeks .