- 名principle of nationality

Under nationality principle , a nation has a jurisdiction over the acts of its subjects .
Last , most nations have jurisdiction over tax on the basis of the principle of resident and the principle of territorial possession .
The author concludes that to fully embody the principle of " lex personalis " may be the future development trend of statistics on trade in service .
The major principles of the criminal jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs are : the principle of possession , the principle of the person , the principle of protection and the principle of common jurisdiction , which play an important part in the practice of justice in various countries .
Part ⅰ discusses the origin and development of the principle in Tort Conflicts Law .
Six issues are discussed in this chapter . 1 . The international criminal jurisdiction principle , which comprises territory , nationality , protection , and universal jurisdictions .
The provision of the principle of common personal law to some extent conforms to the trend of the legislation in the world today , but it is too mechanical and unlimited .
In Europe , many countries have adopted the principle in domestic legislation , even the Regulation ( EC ) No864 / 2007of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Law Applicable to Non-Contractual Obligations also specifies the application of the principle of common personal law .
According to the basic principle of the international law , that is , the principle of Lex Personalis , a capital export country has the jurisdiction to its overseas enterprises .
The part of Conflict Statues should stipulate legal application of all legal relations , among which the law of the domicil should be taken as the principle of dependent person 's law ;