
  • 网络Urinary potassium;urine potassium;U-K
  1. GD甲亢男性患者血钾与24h尿钾无直线相关关系,而女性低血钾倾向患者补钾后血钾与24h尿钾呈直线负相关(P<0.01)。

    In GD male group , serum potassium had no linear correlation with 24-hour uric potassium . In GD females with hy ˉ pokalemic tendency , serum potassium had a significant negative linear correlation with 24-hour uric potassium after potassium chloride was taken ( P < 0.01 ) .

  2. 充足的钾摄入是必不可少的,以弥补尿钾的损失。

    Adequate potassium intake is essential to replace urinary potassium losses .

  3. 药源性低剂量补充葡萄糖酸钾对正常人尿钾排泄的影响

    Effects of low-dose potassium gluconate on urinary potassium excretion in healthy volunteers

  4. 同时观察的尿钾、尿氯排泄量亦有增加;

    Urinary potassium and chloride excretion also increased ;

  5. 尿钾水平升高伴低血钾提示肾脏保钾功能障碍。

    Elevated urinary potassium levels with low blood potassium levels suggest the kidneys are having problems retaining potassium .

  6. 住院时间明显缩短,但血糖及胰岛素的浓度升高,尿钾、钠、氯的排出量减少。

    Nevertheless , the plasma levels of glucose and insulin were increased and the urine output of potassium , sodium and chloride decreased in N group compared with those in A and B groups .

  7. 结果RHD组心肌钾、镁含量术前低于CHD组,尿排钾、镁的高峰在术后24小时内。

    The peak of potassium excretion in urine was at 24 hours after operation in RHD group . Magnesium excretion levels in urine were the highest at 6 hours after operation .

  8. 大学生尿钠钾钙与骨矿物含量的关系

    The Relationship Between Urinary Sodium , Potassium , Calcium and Bone Mineral Content in Medical College Students

  9. 人体血液和尿中钾钠含量的自动分析

    An Automatic Analysis for Determination of K ~ + and Na ~ + Concentrations in Blood and Urine in the Body

  10. 除5例已病故外,对余下13人作24小时尿钠钾离子测定及有关检查。

    With 5 already dead , the rest ( 13 in all ) were advised to undergo an experiment to determine the ions of the sodium and the Potassium excreted in their urine within 24 hours and other examinations concerned .

  11. 高盐实验组尿钠/钾比明显低于高盐对照组(P<0.01)。

    The ratio of urine sodium and potassium of high salt case group was apparent lower than that of high salt control group ( P < 0 . 01 ) .

  12. 血浆血管紧张素II、尿钠/钾比值也随尿镉水平增高而增高。

    Angiotensin II ( AII ) and aldosterone ( ALD ) in serum and the ratio of sodium / potassium in urine also increased with the increase of urinary cadmium level .

  13. 尿钠、钾、氯均在正常范围;

    Urinary natrium , potassium and chlorine levels were all normal .

  14. 尿钠、钾与血压的关系和钾的降压作用

    Urinary sodium , potassium and blood pressure and hypotensive effect of potassium on hypertension

  15. 目的探讨大学生的尿钠、钾、钙与骨密度及骨矿物含量的关系。

    Objective To probe the relationship among the urinary sodium , potassium , calcium content and BMC and BMD in medical college students .

  16. 尿基氮磷钾复合肥新工艺的研究

    Research on a New Technology for Ureido - nitrogenous - phosphatic - potassium Compounded Fertilizer

  17. 氯化钠影响山羊尿沉渣&磷酸钾镁生成作用的机理研究

    The effect of sodium chloride on the formation of potassium magnesium phosphate in urinary deposit in goats fed cottonseed cake diet

  18. 脑室内注射高张盐水(icv.HS)后,肾血浆流量、肾小球滤过率、尿量、尿钠排出量、尿钾排出量和渗透物质清除率均增加,游离水清除率下降。去除垂体后,icv。

    Intracerebroventricular administration of hypertonic saline ( icv . HS ) resulted in an increase in renal plasma flow rate , glomerular filtration rate . urine flow rate , urinary sodium excretion , urinary potassium excretion , and os-molar clearance , and a decrease in free water clearance .

  19. 同时,强利尿心钠素还可使尿量、尿钠、尿氯及尿钾排泄均增加。

    Furthermore , strong diuretic ANP also increased the urine volume , urinary sodium , urinary chloride and urinary potassium .

  20. 临床以多饮、多尿、夜尿增多、血压升高、低血钾、高尿钾、碱血症、高血浆醛固酮及低血浆肾素活性为特征。

    Its clinical manifestation is characterized with polydipsia , polyuria , nocturia , hypertension , hypokalemia , high urinary potassium , hyperlipidemia , high plasma aldosterone level and low plasma renin activity .

  21. 各组干预10周后,采用原子吸光光度法测定大鼠尿钙含量,火焰分光光度法测尿钠、钾含量。

    After 10-week intervention , content of urine calcium was measured with atomic absorbency method and content of urine sodium and potassium were measured with flame spectrophotography .