
wěi xū
  • cercus
  1. 电脉冲直接刺激尾须时,抑制效应更强。前文报导在尾须神经中存在离心神经纤维,但其生物学意义尚未阐明。

    If the electric impulse stimulates the cercus directly , the inhibitory effect is more potent .

  2. 用灭多威溶液浸泡A6节,电刺激尾须神经粗支,用甘露醇间隙法记录兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP)和突触后动作电位。

    By stimulation of the bilateral cercal nerves XI at a rate of 1Hz / sec , evoked excitatory post synaptic potential ( EPSP ) and post synaptic action potential were recorded with mannitol gap method .

  3. 第十一节有一对分节的附肢,即尾须。

    The 11th segment carries a pair of segmented appendages , the cerci .

  4. 美洲大蠊尾须一种新感器的扫描电镜观察

    Observation on a new sensillum of cerci of Periplaneta americana by scanning electron microscopy

  5. 本实验用扫描电镜观察了德国小蠊尾须的细微结构。

    The morphological features of Biattlla germanica cerci were observed under scanning electron microscope .

  6. 尾须柔软、多节;

    Soft and multi segmented cerci ;

  7. 而研究人员利用连接到尾须的线缆,刺激昆虫移动。

    But the researchers use the wires attached to the cerci to spur the insect into motion .

  8. 本文分析了不同振动(短音、纯音、空气流)对尾须神经诱发电位的影响。

    The present paper analyzes the effect of different types of air vibration on the evoked potential .

  9. 蜚蠊尾须单个细毛型感受器对机械刺激的反应他们对你的新型毛织品颇感兴趣。

    Responses of the single thread hair sensillum of the cercus of the cockroach Periplaneta americana to mechanical stimuli they are rather keen on your new-type woolens .

  10. 在有翅亚纲成虫体表,最常见的附肢是生殖节的外生殖器和末节的尾须。

    Generally the only appendages seen in the abdomen of an adult pterygota insect are those on the genital segments ( external genitalia ) and the cerci .