
  • Yuri;Uri;Urey
  1. 尤里的表演堪称完美。

    Yuri gave a copybook display .

  2. 从数码天空科技公司(DigitalSkyTechnologies)的尤里•米尔纳到安德森•霍洛维茨,许多投资者的投资策略,按照米尔纳的说法便是“力挺创始人”。

    Investors from Digital Sky Technologies ' Yuri Milner to Andreessen Horowitz have built their investment strategies on " sticking with the founders , " as Milner has said .

  3. 如何培养团队以健康的方式解决问题?罗杰•费舍尔与威廉姆•L•尤里的《达成一致:无需让步的说服艺术》(GettingtoYes:NegotiatingAgreementWithoutGivingIn)一书就是很好的资源。

    A great resource for coaching your team to healthy issue resolution is Getting to Yes : Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In , by Roger Fisher and William L. Ury .

  4. 周受资是在2015年中从尤里•米尔纳(YuriMilner)的DST全球(DSTGlobal)跳槽到小米的。DST全球是成立七年的小米公司的一个主要投资方。

    Mr Chew joined Xiaomi in mid-2015 from Yuri Milner 's DST Global , a significant investor in the seven-year-old Chinese company .

  5. 她和同为莱顿研究人员的尤里·罗伯斯(YuriRobbers)报告称,几年后,他们获得了1.2万个视频片段。

    Several years and 12000 snippets of video later , she and Yuri Robbers , also a Leiden researcher , reported the results .

  6. 投资方包括红点投资(RedpointVentures)、凯鹏华盈(KleinerPerkinsCaufield&Byers)等机构以及理查德•布兰森、尤里•米尔纳和马克•平克斯等独立投资人。

    Backers include redpoint ventures and Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers , as well as Richard Branson , Yuri Milner , and mark Pincus .

  7. 来自俄罗斯的斯维特拉娜和尤里夫妇收养了一只三个月大名叫Stepan的大棕熊。

    Russian family Svetlana and Yuriy adopted the very large bear named Stepan aged three months .

  8. 约450人出席了该活动,包括旧金山市长李孟贤(EdLee)、前国土安全部长珍妮特•纳波利塔诺(JanetNapolitano)和在Facebook上市前为其提供过支持的尤里•米尔纳(YuriMilner)等投资者。

    The event was attended by Mayor Ed Lee of San Francisco ; Janet Napolitano , the former secretary of homeland security ; and investors including Yuri Milner , who backed Facebook before it went public .

  9. 苏联领导人米哈伊尔•戈尔巴乔夫(MikhailGorbachev)的开放政策允许苏联成立之前以及苏联早期受打压的人物、历史和文学作品重见天日,在这种背景下,列娜•内米洛夫斯卡娅(LenaNemirovskaya)和尤里•塞诺科索(YuriSenokosov)酝酿创办莫斯科政治研究学院

    The Moscow School was planned as Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev 's policy of openness allowed the exhumation of the suppressed people , histories and literature of pre-Soviet times and the USSR 's early years .

  10. 表面上斯维特拉娜和尤里就像其他普通的夫妻一样,但是对于23岁的棕熊Stepan来说,他们可不寻常。

    On the surface Svetlana and Yuriy appear like any other ordinary couple , but for their 23-year-old bear named Stepan .

  11. “利率上升和经济增长放缓并存,对新兴市场而言绝对是坏消息,”世界银行国际贸易业务负责人尤里•达杜什(UriDadush)称。

    " A combination of much higher interest rates and slowing growth would definitely be bad news for emerging markets down the road ," said Uri Dadush , director of international trade at the World Bank .

  12. 他说在冬奥会召开前的六个月时间里,他每周至少和穆特科的副手尤里·纳格尤科(YuriNagornykh)碰一次面,地点为体育部富丽堂皇的莫斯科总部大楼二楼的一间办公室。

    In the six months before the games , he said , he met with Mutko 's deputy , Yuri Nagornykh , in a second-floor office at the ministry 's palatial Moscow headquarters at least once a week .

  13. 从一笔贷款、一份工作,到刑事司法系统中的缓刑决定,在判断众多事情的合适性方面越来越依赖自动化,让马萨诸塞大学(UniversityofMassachusetts)软件工程副教授尤里?布朗(YuriyBrun)感到不安。

    The growing reliance on automation to judge suitability for everything from a loan to a job or even to probation in the criminal justice system , worries Yuriy Brun , an associate professor specialising in software engineering at the University of Massachusetts .

  14. 尤里先生,你很守信用

    Mr. Yuri , you 're a man of your word .

  15. 小心啊,尤里你卖的东西是可以杀人的。

    Be careful , Yuri . Those things you sell kill .

  16. 尤里…我该担心什么吗?

    Yuri ... is there anything I should be worried about ?

  17. 尤里,我看过新闻,我看过那些照片。

    Yuri , I see the news . I see those pictures .

  18. 尤里,利比里亚的总统正在来这里的路

    Yuri , the President of Liberia is on his way up .

  19. 这可不是巧合,尤里。

    This is no accident , is it , Yuri ?

  20. 我是尤里嗯…是…拉伍。

    It 's Yuri ... Yeah . Well , Raoul ...

  21. 尤里,你说的没错

    You 're right . Yuri , you 're right .

  22. 尤里,我们得避一避。

    Yuri , we have to get off this thing .

  23. 尤里发现凯吉是美国情报员。

    Yorgi found out that cage is an American agent .

  24. 尤里干吗老让这个地方这么冷呢?

    Why does Yuri keep it so cold in here ?

  25. 是…尤里…好…谢谢…再见

    It 's. .. Yuri . Okay , thank you . Bye .

  26. 你是好哥哥,尤里。

    You 're a good brother , Yuri . Okay .

  27. 我劝你还是试一下,尤里先生

    I suggest you try it , at least once , Mr. Yuri .

  28. 但是你不信这些,尤里。

    But you don 't believe that , Yuri ...

  29. 尤里,我要和你谈一谈

    Yuri , I need to talk to you .

  30. 尤里,妈的,怎么回事?

    Yuri , what the fuck is going on ?