
xiǎo jí tuán
  • in-group;grouping;clique;faction;coterie;Mafia;clan;cliquish
小集团 [xiǎo jí tuán]
  • [clique;faction] 经常好争论、追求私利或不顾共同利益的党派、联合体或集团(如在一个国家内、政府内或其他团体内)

小集团[xiǎo jí tuán]
  1. 这俱乐部被知识分子小集团把持着。

    The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals .

  2. 我们的高尔夫球俱乐部是由一个很不友好的小集团所经营。

    Our golf club is run by a very unfriendly clique .

  3. 他已被一个由一些参议员同仁组成的小集团选中。

    He had been chosen by a cabal of fellow senators .

  4. 八国集团(groupofeight)这类富国小集团,将再也无法在背着世界经济另一半的情况下谋划交易。

    No longer would small cabals of rich countries like the group of eight stitch up deals while excluding half the world economy from the discussions .

  5. 小集团思维(Groupthink)是外交决策过程中的特殊现象,也是外交政策分析的特殊模式。

    Groupthink is a special phenomena in foreign policy decision-making , and also a model of foreign policy analysis .

  6. 小集团学习法对健美操教学效果的影响

    The Effect of Learning Method of a Small Clique on Aerobics Teaching

  7. 难怪这个小集团过去对批评的声音愤怒地拒绝接受。

    Little wonder the group angrily brushed off criticisms in the past .

  8. 劫持事件是由一个反对政府的小集团组织的

    The hijack be organize by a group of opponent to the government

  9. 通常通过阴谋手段寻求权力的小集团。

    A clique that seeks power usually through intrigue .

  10. 小集团思维:外交政策分析的特殊模式

    Groupthink : A Special Model for Foreign Policy Analysis

  11. 家族、小集团、掠夺性企业利益以及安全部门统统牵涉其中。

    Family , clan , predatory business interests and the security praetorians are all enmeshed .

  12. 那些掌控媒体的企业小集团不让我们看到。

    The small group of corporations that own the media don 't want us to .

  13. 我们的部门由小集团把持着。

    Our department is very cliquy .

  14. 就在两周前,默多克还有个小集团,政府里每个人都会听取该集团的意见。

    A fortnight ago he had a cabal that had the ear of everyone in government .

  15. 叛军中的确定了小集团。

    Certain factions of the rebels .

  16. 一个政客小集团通过欺骗几乎完全窃取了胜利果实。

    A small cabal of politicians almost certainly stole the result by fraud ( see article ) .

  17. 就在不久以前,这个小集团还可以按照自己的嗜好来安排世界事务。

    Not so long ago , this small clique could mould the world according to its predilections .

  18. 陆军部和海军部各自积累了不断增长的威望,这种威望培育了小集团主义精神。

    The War and Navy departments each accumulated growing prestige which fostered the spirit of the old school tie .

  19. 每一个小集团都支持其他的小集团,这使完成查明内部核心的任务变得困难得多。

    Each ring supported the others , and made the task of identifying the inner core much more difficult .

  20. 腐败的实质是对权力的滥用,为个人或小集团牟取私利。

    The essence of corruption is the abuse of power and seeking profits for the individual or small groups .

  21. “小集团,宗派:在较大的团体中由一群人形成的紧密结合在一起的有争议的少数派。”

    " Faction : a group of persons forming a cohesive , usually contentious minority within a larger group . "

  22. 公共组织应采取小集团化设计,采取功能和目标的可识别化设计理念;

    A " small group " design for public organization construction should be made and an identifiable design concept of function and objective adopted .

  23. 没有合作,演进的过程不能工作;没有信任,就没有专家小集团能做出最终的仲裁。

    Without cooperation , the evolutionary process cannot work ; and without trust , no cabal of experts can act as an ultimate arbiter .

  24. 本文主要考察了外交政策分析中个人层次发挥作用的变量,具体来说,研究涉及外交决策过程中领导人的心理和小集团动态的影响。

    The Research area covered the Leaders Psychology and Small Group Dynamics , specifically studies about Individual level of Foreign Policy Analysis in Foreign Policy Decision Making Process .

  25. 正如我们在很多发展中国家所看到的,很多人对以牺牲国家利益为代价来增进个人或小集团的利益的行为并不感到内疚。

    Examples of these are found in many developing countries , where many of their citizens unscrupulously sacrifice national interests for their own benefits or those of their groups .

  26. 在小集团的控制下,员工的行为靠共同的价值、规范、传统、仪式、信念及其他组织文化方面的东西来调节。

    An approach to control in which employee behavior is regulated by the shared values , norms , traditions , rituals , beliefs , and other aspects of organization 's culture .

  27. 这类坏女孩的小集团在高校电影中是不容缺少且非常值得一看的部分。

    Reigned by a beautiful but conniving queen bee with a couple of yes-girls at her side , the mean-girl clique is an essential part of any high school movie worth watching .

  28. 在早上的练习赛中,长安福特车队的车手们利用热身胎,形成一个小集团,并很快地占据前三的位置。

    During the early morning session , the Changan Ford drivers went out in formation and utilizing the already warmed up tires , immediately jumped to the front of the time sheet .

  29. 对外交决策过程的分析主要有以下几种微观模式:对决策者认知和个性研究的模式、小集团思维模式、组织过程模式和官僚政治模式等。

    Micro-models that can be used to analyze the foreign policy decision-making process include cognition and personality studies of the decision makers , groupthink studies , and studies of organizational processes and bureaucratic politics .

  30. 在羽毛球选项课教学中,采用小集团学习的教学方法,旨在使学生更好地掌握运动技能,提高他们参与体育锻炼的能力。

    At teaching badminton elective course in our college , the teaching method ofa small clique learning is adopted to make the students grasp the sports skill more rapidly and to raise the ability of participation in physical training .