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  1. 小玉:想跟我一起上公立图书馆吗?

    Jade : Wanna come to the public library with me ?

  2. 小玉就象个一直生活在象牙之塔里的公主。

    Xiao Yu is like a princess who lives in an ivory tower .

  3. 这是我的女朋友,小玉。

    This is my girlfriend , Xiaoyu .

  4. “小玉曾说过:”嗨,鹏,我猜你仍然想她。

    Artemis had told me : hey , amos , I guess you are still miss her .

  5. 我理智的朋友小玉:这么多年来你一直是我最好的顾问。

    My rational friend Yuki : All these years you never change the position of my best adviser .

  6. 长寿小玉柜:此小玉柜上镶有不同颜色玉所组成的人物及花鸟,“寿”字是这个柜子的主体,是长寿富贵的象征。

    Small jade cabinet : different kinds of jade inlay different people and flower on the cabinet and longevity is the main part of it . it 's a symbol of wealth and longevity .