
  • 网络xiaolangdi water control project;Xiaolangdi Dam
  1. 小浪底水利枢纽工程2~明流洞断层开挖

    Fault excavation for free flow tunnel No. 2 of Xiaolangdi water control project

  2. 小浪底水利枢纽工程于1997年10月28日胜利完成截流,从龙口进占到戗堤合龙历时40h。

    The closure with of Xiaolangdi hydraulic key project was completed successfully on October 28 , 1997 with processing duration of 40 hours .

  3. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的2号明流塔,塔高108m,是主要泄洪建筑物2号明流洞的进口建筑物。

    The No. 2 free flow tower is an intake building of No. 2 free flow tunnel , as one of the main flood discharge works .

  4. 小浪底水利枢纽工程2号明流塔设计综述

    Design of No.2 Free Flow Tower of Xiao Langdi Multipurpose Dam Project

  5. 小浪底水利枢纽工程排沙洞无粘结预应力混凝土施工

    Construction of Sand Flushing Tunnel with Non-Binding Prestressed Concrete in Xiaolangdi Project

  6. 小浪底水利枢纽工程外部变形监测数据处理

    Data processing of the structure outer deformation observation of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project

  7. 小浪底水利枢纽工程预防泥沙淤堵和磨蚀的工程措施

    Measures for prevention of silt plug and abrasion in Xiaolangdi Hydro Project

  8. 小浪底水利枢纽工程利用国外贷款的成效及经验

    Benefits and experience of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project by use of foreign loan

  9. 小浪底水利枢纽工程防渗墙施工技术

    The construction technology of the cut off wall of the Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project

  10. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的建设及施工进展

    Construction and progress or Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project

  11. 小浪底水利枢纽工程左岸山体渗漏处理监测分析

    Monitoring Analysis for Anti-Seepage Treatment on the Left Bank Mountain of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project

  12. 长江三峡和黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程

    The key water projects at the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River and at Xiaolangdi on the Yellow River

  13. 小浪底水利枢纽工程专用通信网的无线系统是有线系统的延伸和补充。

    The radio system of the Xiaolangdi Project is the extension and supplement of the wire system for the special communication network .

  14. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的全过程投资控制

    All-stage Investment Control of the Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project ; Hydraulic Model Tests on Bottom and Middle Outlets for Three Gorges Project

  15. 小浪底水利枢纽工程洞群部分包括导流洞、明流洞、排沙洞、发电洞、孔板洞、灌溉洞等各种隧洞108条。

    The tunnel group of Xiaolangdi hydro-junction project includes 108 tunnels for diversion , free-flow , desilting , power generating , orifice plate and irrigating .

  16. 小浪底水利枢纽工程的3条排沙洞,洞身70%以上采用后张法无粘结预应力混凝土衬砌。

    In three desilting tunnels of Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project , over 70 % tunnel wall were lined with non cohesive pre stressed concrete by the post tensioning method .

  17. 结合工作实践,介绍了小浪底水利枢纽工程合同价格调整体系与方法,提出了相关的意见和建议。

    This paper presents the contract price adjustment system and method applied in Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project , in consideration of the practices , and produces some relevant comments and suggestions .

  18. 小浪底水利枢纽工程投资控制中有一些成功的实践经验,具体包括:(1)投资控制体系的组织机构及管理职能;

    This article presents some successful practice to control the investment of the Xiaolangdi Hydro Project , which comprises : ( 1 ) organizational structure and management functions of investment control system ;

  19. 小浪底水利枢纽工程现为黄河上最大的水利工程,仅次于长江三峡水利枢纽工程,属中国国家重点项目。

    As a key Chinese national project , Xiaolangdi Hydro Project is the largest of its kind on the Yellow River and second only to the Three Gorges project on the Yangtze River .

  20. 小浪底水利枢纽工程不仅时刻保障着中国母亲河的岁岁安澜,也为沿线农业地区发挥着不可取代的关键性作用。除此之外,小浪底电站总装机183.6万千瓦,年平均发电量51亿千瓦时。

    Xiaolangdi Hydro Project has been subjected to devastating Yellow River floods and has played an irreplaceable role in the agricultural area alongside.In addition , the l , 836mw Xiaolangdi Project is generating 5 .

  21. 在河南省洛阳以北40千米处,一座现代化的特大型水利枢纽,小浪底水利枢纽工程,屹立在黄河最后一段峡谷之上。

    Xiaolangdi Hydro Project , a large modern water conservancy project , is located on the lower reaches of the Yellow River , 40km north of the ancient city of Luoyang in central Chinas Henan Province .

  22. 用计算与对比的方法,对在建的小浪底水利枢纽工程混凝土强度质量评定标准进行了分析,并对该标准存在的问题提出了修改建议。

    Analysis is given to the concrete strength quality evaluation Standard of constructing Xiao Langdi water Resources Project with the method of calculation and contrast . Some modifying Proposals are presented to the problems of the standard .

  23. 小浪底水利枢纽的工程规模和综合运用方式

    Engineering Scale and Comprehensive Operational Mode of the Xiaolangdi Key Water Conservancy Project

  24. 小浪底水利枢纽地下工程爆破对隧洞围岩扰动影响的声波检测

    Determination of disturbance effect by sonic wave velocity to underground engineering blasting on wall rock of tunnel in Xiaolangdi water conservancy project

  25. 小浪底水利枢纽大坝工程施工进度进展顺利,各主要项目一直超前合同目标计划。

    The Xiaolangdi water control project is constructed in smooth progress with its major items all along keeping in advance of the contractual schedule .

  26. 为把小浪底水利枢纽建成一流工程而努力奋斗

    Striving to construct the Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Project to be a first class project

  27. 黄河小浪底水利枢纽灌浆与排水工程的钻孔最优方位确定方法

    Method to Determine the Preferred Orientation for Grouting and Drainage Engineering of the Xiaolangdi Multipurpose Dam Project

  28. 在小浪底水利枢纽副坝灌浆工程施工中,由于种种原因,对砼盖板造成了很多抬动裂缝。

    In the subsidiary dam construction of XIAO LANG-DI water conservancy engineering , many lifting cracks in the concrete cover board appeared .