
  1. 小泽便执起了NHK的竞争对手——日本爱乐乐团的指挥棒。

    Ozawa went on to conduct the rival Japan Philharmonic Orchestra instead .

  2. 1962年12月小泽受到了著名的日本NHK交响乐团的非议,NHK对他的风格和个性不满并拒绝在他的发挥。

    In December 1962 Ozawa was involved in a controversy with the prestigious Japanese NHK Symphony Orchestra when certain players , unhappy with his style and personality , refused to play under him .

  3. 如果有人能解决这些棘手的问题,则非小泽莫属。

    If anyone can resolve these tricky issues , it is Mr Ozawa .

  4. 对小泽来说,这不是一个好消息。

    For Mr ozawa , this was unwelcome .

  5. 如果小泽胜出,政策可能还会再次逆转。

    If Mr Ozawa wins , he is likely to reverse the policy again .

  6. 在卡拉扬的引荐下,小泽又向著名的指挥家——伯恩斯坦学习。

    Under the tutelage of von Karajan , Ozawa caught the attention of prominent conductor , Leonard Bernstein .

  7. 安倍在9月12日声称由于小泽拒绝与他会面,他已无法行使职权而提出辞职。

    On September12th Mr Abe claimed that his position was no longer tenable because Mr Ozawa refused to meet him .

  8. 两个月之前,检察官逮捕了小泽的助手,这名助手涉嫌在知情情况下收受一家受丑闻打击的建筑公司的非法捐款。

    His move came two months after prosecutors arrested his aide for knowingly accepting illegal donations from a scandal-hit construction company .

  9. 而后小泽接收奖学金赴西柏林跟随著名奥地利指挥与指挥——卡拉扬学习。

    Receiving a scholarship to study conducting with famous Austrian conductor , Herbert von Karajan , Ozawa moved to West Berlin .

  10. 伯恩斯坦当时让小泽担任纽约爱乐乐团助理指挥,而小泽在纽约爱乐度过了接下来的四年时光。

    Bernstein then appointed him as assistant conductor of the New York Philharmonic where he remained for the next four years .

  11. 1960年,他到达后不久,小泽获得科乌谢维茨基优秀学生指挥奖,这是坦格乌德最的高荣誉。

    In 1960 , shortly after his arrival , Ozawa won the Koussevitzky Prize for outstanding student conductor , Tanglewood 's highest honor .

  12. 东京某区小泽先生屈尊到此参加竞选活动的市长选举失败,使此次挫折雪上加霜。

    The setback was compounded by the loss of a mayoral election in a quarter of Tokyo where Mr Ozawa had stooped to campaign .

  13. 在手指受伤的近10年后,小泽赢得了在法国贝桑松举办的管弦乐比赛第一名。

    Almost a decade after the sports injury , Ozawa won the first prize at the international competition of orchestra conductors in Besancon , France .

  14. 尽管他抛弃了小泽先生,他还是可以在幕后依靠人们斯文加利式(用过催眠让人们唯命是从)的影响来获得复兴的机会。

    Even if he jettisons Mr Ozawa , the chances are that he will rely on the man 's Svengali like influence from behind the scenes .

  15. 政界分析人士表示,小泽只有选择下台,任何为提高支持率所作的努力,收效都会很有限,因为他涉嫌涉足政治献金丑闻,这使民众对他产生了怀疑。

    Political analysts said that unless Mr Ozawa also quit , any boost in popularity was likely to be limited at best , following voter suspicions over his alleged involvement in a funding scandal .

  16. 市场曾经认为小泽一郎更有可能采取措施压制日元上涨。日元兑美元汇率已升至15年新高,引发了业界的抱怨。

    Mr Ozawa had been seen by markets as more likely to intervene to curb the rise of the yen , which had been trading at a 15-year high against the dollar and prompting complaint from the business sector .

  17. 鸠山由纪夫说:我会辞去我当前的职务。众所周知,在政治献金问题上,秘书长小泽一郎成了众矢之的,他也将因此而辞职。

    Mr Hatoyama said : I too will be resigning from my current position , and so will be Secretary General ( Ichiro ) Ozawa , as is commonly known to have been in the midst of the debate over political funding laws .