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xiǎo shì jiè
  • Small World;worldlet
小世界 [xiǎo shì jiè]
  • [worldlet] 局部天地

小世界[xiǎo shì jiè]
  1. Web是小世界网络,具有小世界网络的特点。

    Web is small-world network and it has the properties of small-world network .

  2. 小世界网络拓扑下的多Agent网络传输有效性和限定性满足问题研究

    Transmission Validity and Limitation Satisfying Problem of Multi-Agent Networks within Small World Network Topology

  3. P2P网络的小世界模型及脆弱性研究

    Research on Small World Model of P2P Network and Its Frangibility

  4. 考虑小世界特性的adhoc网络拥塞控制

    Ad Hoc Network Congestion Control Considering Small World Characteristic

  5. Yang提出的具有时延和非线性的小世界网络模型的基础上引入随机涨落因子。

    Yang , the random fluctuations factors are introduced .

  6. 动态构造特征可调节的小世界P2P网络

    Dynamic structuring small world P2P networks of character adjustable

  7. 小世界现象在P2P网络中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Small-World Phenomena in P2P Networks

  8. 一种具有小世界特征的结构化P2P覆盖网络

    A Structured P2P Overlay Network with Small-World Characteristics

  9. 有时滞的HR小世界神经元网络的相位同步

    Phase synchronization in HR small-world neuronal networks with coupling delays

  10. 语义Web的无尺度特征和小世界结构,对于语义Web的设计与实现,对信息的主动服务以及优化信息资源的组织方法都至关重要。

    This paper combines these characteristics with the analysis of Semantic Web , organizing of active information services and optimizing of allocation of the information resources .

  11. 既然Web是小世界网络,那么Web中的两个网页之间肯定存在捷径。

    Since the Web is small-world network , if two pages belong to a connected component of the Web , some short path exists between them .

  12. 用小世界网络模型研究SARS病毒的传播

    Predict SARS infection with the small world network model

  13. 基于小世界网络的一种脉冲耦合累积-发放神经元模型的老化机制和SOC行为研究

    Effects of aging and Self-organized Criticality in a Pulse-coupled Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model Based on small world networks

  14. 该方法中,P2P网络的每个节点都维护一定数量的短程连接邻居节点和长程连接邻居节点,由此来构建具有小世界特性的网络。

    Each node in the P2P networks maintains several long-link neighbours and short-link neighbours to build a small world P2P networks .

  15. WS与NW两种小世界网络模型的建模及仿真研究

    Research of modeling and simulation on WS and NW small-world network model

  16. 由于P2P网络结构的小世界特性仍处于研究中,故本文所提出的方法尚需要进一步的完善。

    Because the feature of small-world still in the study , therefore , the method presented in this paper still require further improvement .

  17. 经过重连操作得到的随机网络具有短的平均路径长度,具有大小介于完全随机网络和经典SW小世界网络的平均聚类系数,是一类特殊的小世界网络。

    This special network model has short average path length but small average cluster coefficient .

  18. 基于小世界理论的DSR路由协议的改造

    Optimization for Dynamic Source Routing Based on the Small-word Theory

  19. 基于小世界网络的NPD团队交流网络分析

    Analysis on NPD Team Communication Network Based on Small-world Network

  20. 利用传染病学的SIR模型,研究网络的连接度和扰乱几率对小世界网络动力学行为的影响。

    The influence of connection degree and harassment probability of network to the dynamic behavior of small-world network is studied by using SIR model of lemology .

  21. 其次,对于Agent网络的限定满足问题的解决,规则Agent网络比小世界Agent网络和完全随机Agent网络更优。

    In the other hand , the regular Agent networks takes more advantage for solving the limitation satisfying problem of Agent networks compare with the small Agent networks and completely random Agent networks .

  22. 基于组增长的小世界Scale-free网络模型

    Group Growing Based Small-World Scale-Free Network Model

  23. 无尺度、小世界Sierpinski网络统一模型

    Unifying model for Sierpinski networks with scale-free small world properties

  24. 小世界网络上的Ising模型

    Ising Model on Small World Networks

  25. 基于Contact的资源查询机制是依据小世界理论提出来的,该机制要求网络中各个节点不仅维护R跳以内的邻居节点的资源状态,而且还选择维护少数较远节点(Contact)的状态。

    Contact-based architecture is the basis of Small-World theory . Besides nodes within R hops from vicinity of that node , each node also maintains a few distant nodes , called contact , by special method .

  26. 然而真实的多智能体通信网络是很丰富的,WS小世界网络模型不能适应所有的情况。

    Yet the real multi-agent communication networks are abundant and WS small-world model is not suitable for all cases .

  27. 首先探讨了小世界拓扑下的多Agent网络的有效性、可靠性,相比于规则Agent网络和完全随机Agent网络,小世界网络拓扑具有更高的有效性和可靠性;

    The validity and reliability of Multi-Agent networks was studied within small world topology framework , the Agent networks with small world topology carries more validity and higher reliability compare with the regular Agent networks and completely random Agent networks .

  28. 人工实验的结果表明,在同等的经济环境下,具有小世界网络特征的企业发展模型表现出比基于传统的规则网络和随机网络模型得到的GDP有较为明显的进步。

    The result of the artificial experiment shows that in the same conditions , the firm structure with the small world topology has an obvious improvement in GDP than the traditional regular and random network .

  29. 这一研究结论充分说明,作为小世界网络特性参量的NW长度标度ζ传播稳定性的主要决定因素。

    This conclusion full explains that the NW length scale ζ is a primary factor to decide the dissemination stable as the small-world network characteristic parameter .

  30. 为了求解文中提出的调度规划模型,本文应用了PSSWO算法,这是一种将传统的粒子群优化(PSO)算法与小世界网络结构相结合的强化算法。

    A Particle Swarm Small World Optimization ( PSSWO ) algorithm is applied to solve the model .