- Clownfish;Nemo

A clownfish , a small and defenceless resident of the reef .
Check out the sticker at the bottom of Andy 's toy chest for a very familiar clownfish .
Found in coral-rich seaweed reefs in the Pacific Ocean , clown triggerfish , such as this patterned juvenile in Indonesia 's Tukangbesi Islands , are master predators .
For this pair , the anemone is like a castle .
Do you know the story of the clown fish ?
Like the clown fish and the sea anemone .
In line to take over are a host of immature clown fish ...
Other colorful favorites include clown fish , angelfish , and mantis shrimp .
Slowly , a timid clown fish become brave ;
Yet the clown fish are totally immune .
Clownfish live in symbiosis with poisonous sea anemones , which protect them and make them difficult to catch .
It has a four marine animals for the children to play including a clown fish to jump through .
For example , it can impair orientation and sense of smell in young clownfish , making them more vulnerable to predators .
Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .
You can also find a lot of benthal animals in the cabin , such as shrimps , clown fish and long-arm octopus .
The Saving Nemo fund has been breeding clownfish in nurseries since 2005 in an effort to ensure wild populations do not suffer .
Bleached by high water temperatures , this bubble-tipped anemone is largely devoid of the algae that provide color as well as energy from photosynthesis .
A male tomato clownfish ( Amphiprion frenatus ) tends his field of developing eggs like a gardener , scooping away ones with dead embryos .
Male anemonefish frequently visits the nest to fan the eggs with his pectoral fin and to remove dead eggs and debris with his mouth .
One day Ho happened to notice a large number of clownfish eggs in one of the tanks , and leapt at the chance to study clownfish reproduction .
The clown fish protects the anemone from other fish that would eat it , while the anemone 's stinging tentacles keep the clown fish 's predators away .
The earlier film led to the huge popularity of clownfish in pet shops , and a corresponding drop in their numbers in their traditional habitat on coral reefs .
And it turns out acidic seawater also makes clownfish and damselfish suicidally bold and reckless , according to a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .
There is also an interest in sea horses , puffers , clown fish and other salty types with shapes more strange and colors brighter than even the showiest of fresh-water fish .
Socially , clownfish like to hang out in sea anemones where two large breeders , a male and a female , are in charge of a group of smaller male clownfish who don 't reproduce .
In " Finding Dory , " Dory ( Ellen DeGeneres ) is reunited with Nemo and Marlin ( Albert Brooks ) . This time , Dory takes the spotlight , as they embark on a search for her past .
The fish blow streams of water at the sand to expose hiding prey , then use their powerful jaws and rows of sharp teeth to crush through hard-shelled reef creatures such as sea urchins , clams , snails , and crabs .
Any of various brightly colored fishes of the family Mullidae of warm seas , having two sensory barbels on the chin . Octopus , Clown trigger fish , Barracuda , Batfish , stunning healthy colourful coral reef , both hard and soft corals .