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  1. 他们将卫自己的信仰。

    They will stick up for their beliefs .

  2. 记者将在世卫组织图书馆有一个工作区。

    Journalists will have a working space in the WHO Library .

  3. 烟草业早已将世卫组织视为其最大敌人。

    This industry has long described WHO as its biggest enemy .

  4. 在听证会之前,将在世卫组织网站上公布所有收到的书面材料。

    All submissions received will be made publicly available on the WHO website in advance of the hearing .

  5. 传媒材料和正式文件将在世卫组织传媒文件处和联合国I号新闻发布室提供。

    Media materials and official documents will be available in the WHO media documents office and in UN Press Room I.

  6. 为了将世卫组织的标准并入工作中,许多国家已经重新设计了他们的儿童健康记录、升级了人体测量设备并重新培训了卫生工作人员。

    Many countries have redesigned their child health records , upgraded their anthropometric equipment and retrained health staff to incorporate the WHO standards into their work .

  7. 如果公司愿意将世卫组织分类纳入并在特定国家进行销售的软件产品中进行传播,世卫组织能够为公司颁发商业许可。

    WHO is able to issue commercial licences to companies wishing to incorporate and distribute WHO classifications in their software products for sale to customers in certain countries .

  8. 他还在整个联合国树立榜样,订立禁止吸烟的严格制度,并将世卫组织的车队转为小型的、有利环境的燃料/电力车辆。

    He also set an example across the United Nations , with strict rules against tobacco use , and the conversion of the fleet of WHO cars to small , environmentally-friendly fuel / electric vehicles .

  9. 未来几年,卫材计划将深谙卫材药品和治疗领域知识、并与医生有着良好关系的专家数量,从30人扩大到300人左右。

    Instead it intends to increase the number of its experts with a deep knowledge of Eisai 's drugs and therapeutic areas , and good relationships with doctors , to about 300 from 30 during the next few years .

  10. 为谨慎起见,采集了样本并将送交世卫组织在英国的合作实验室进行H5N1检测。

    As a precaution , samples have been taken and will be sent for H5N1 testing at a WHO collaborating laboratory in the United Kingdom .

  11. 从这些疑似病例提取的样本,经国家实验室检验呈H5N1型阳性,并将送交世卫组织H5参考实验室予以证实和进一步分析。

    Samples taken from the suspected cases have tested positive for H5N1 in the national laboratory and are being forwarded to a WHO H5 Reference Laboratory for confirmation and further analysis .

  12. LiyaKebede女士是超级模特,而且是一位母亲。她将帮助世卫组织开展改善母亲和儿童健康的运动。

    A supermodel and a mother , Mrs Kebede will help WHO in its campaign to improve the health of mothers and children .

  13. 它还将突出世卫组织在这些成就中发挥的作用。

    It will also highlight WHO 's role in these achievements .

  14. 今天我将概述世卫组织目前面临的最紧迫问题。

    Today I will outline the most pressing issues that currently face WHO .

  15. 病人的样本将送达世卫组织的一个参考实验室供进一步分析。

    Samples from the patient will be sent for further analysis at a WHO reference laboratory .

  16. 这些样本将送往世卫组织合作中心进行进一步检测,包括病毒特性描述。

    The samples will be sent to WHO Collaborating Centre for further testing including virus characterization .

  17. 一份历史性的音频记录和采访集将展现世卫组织的成立以及其它公共卫生里程碑。

    A compilation of historical audio and interviews will feature the founding of WHO and other public health milestones .

  18. 一旦最后确定,这些职权范围将提交世卫组织会员国和区域经济组织的一次政府间特别会议。

    Once finalized , these TORs will be submitted to a special Intergovernmental Meeting of WHO Member States and regional economic organizations .

  19. 我向职工们承诺我将继续世卫组织目前正在进行的改革,但是不会进行产生急剧变化的改革。

    I have promised staff that I will continue ongoing reforms at WHO , but will not introduce changes that cause upheaval .

  20. 它将由世卫组织输血医学培训合作中心和泰国红十字会国家血液中心主办。

    It will be hosted by the WHO Collaborating Centre for Training in Blood Transfusion Medicine and the Thai Red Cross Society National Blood Centre .

  21. 这次活动将以世卫组织世界患者安全联盟的工作以及将出席会议的许多科学家和政府官员的贡献为基础。

    The conference will build on the work of the WHO World Alliance for Patient Safety and the contribution of the participating scientists and government officials .

  22. 该运动将获得世卫组织的技术援助以及疫苗和免疫全球联盟的支持。

    The campaign will be conducted with the technical assistance of WHO and the support of the GAVI alliance ( the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization ) .

  23. 《国际卫生条例》审查委员会被视为世卫组织的一个专家委员会。因此,该委员会将按照世卫组织专家咨询团和专家委员会条例以及《国际卫生条例》规定行事。

    The IHR Review Committee is considered a WHO expert committee and so its operations and structure follows regulations for WHO expert advisory panels and committees , and provisions of the IHR .

  24. 水和环境卫生方面的世卫组织区域专家已到达巴格达,而且一旦安全情况允许,将派出世卫组织/儿童基金会联合评估团。

    The WHO regional expert for water and sanitation has arrived in Baghdad and a joint WHO-UNICEF assessment mission to Babil and Misan will take place as soon as the security situation allows .

  25. 你知道,我怀疑,我们从瑞典听到这个消息的原因是,现在正在发生的事情是,世卫组织紧急情况委员会正在召开会议,这将决定世卫组织将会做出怎样的公告。

    And I suspect , you know , the reason we 're hearing this from Sweden is what 's actually happening at the moment is , the WHO 's Emergency Committee has met .

  26. 努德斯特伦博士将继续担任世卫组织代理总干事至新总干事就职。

    Dr Nordstr ö m will continue to serve as Acting Director-General of WHO until a new Director-General takes office .

  27. 在2008年5月的世界卫生大会上,将提供庆祝世卫组织成立60周年的一系列收藏品和纪念品。

    A collection of memorabilia and souvenirs commemorating WHO's60th anniversary will be available at the World Health Assembly in May2008 .

  28. 小托马斯将成为首发控卫,而骑士也需要JR-史密斯在先发二号位上提供射程和单防能力。

    Thomas will be the starting point guard , while Cleveland needs J.R. Smith 's 3-point shooting and perimeter defense at shooting guard .

  29. 现在我们将最后确定世卫组织共享病毒的最佳做法,将向世界卫生大会提交,所有国家将在大会上对此进行辩论。

    Now we will finalize the WHO best practices for virus sharing that will go to the World Health Assembly where all countries will debate it .

  30. 拜耳医药保健有限公司生产的全部硝呋莫司都将交给世卫组织,以便分发给各国,确保让最有需要的人获得此药。

    All nifurtimox drugs produced by Bayer HealthCare will be given to WHO for distribution to countries , ensuring accessibility of the drug to those who need it most .