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shè jī chǎnɡ
  • shooting range
射击场 [shè jī chǎng]
  • [shooting range] 靶场

  1. 不忙,我要去射击场。

    Not much , just heading over to the shooting range .

  2. 就连在射击场那里我们都共用一个弹夹呢。

    And we split a clip at the shooting range .

  3. 我岳父有射击场,我没有。

    My father-in-law shoots on the estate , but not me .

  4. 刚刚射击场的吉米打电话来

    That was Jimmy from the gun range on the phone .

  5. 他们在一个部队射击场闲荡。

    eg. They were fooling around on an Army firing range .

  6. 而我们第一次约会就在射击场缘定三生

    And our first date on the shooting range sealed the deal .

  7. 我完成了对射击场砂砾中找到的残骸的分析。

    I finished analyzing the debris that I vacuumed from the shooting range gravel .

  8. (一)设置、使用民用射击场,不符合安全规定的;

    Establishing or using a civilian shooting range not in accordance with safety regulations ;

  9. 射击场很大,可以进行各种射击训练。

    The shooting range is large enough to carry out all the shooting practice .

  10. 然后带到了射击场,在那里我用子弹进行重新雕塑。

    before taking them to a shooting range where I re-sculpted them using bullets .

  11. 请立刻到射击场来。

    Report immediately to the firing range .

  12. 当然,射击场上要有一块你的纪念牌。

    There will , of course , be an actual plaque at the shooting range .

  13. 据说明天在北京射击场将有场国际射箭比赛。

    It is said that tomorrow there will be an international archery competition in Beijing Shooting Range .

  14. 听起来很疯狂,去步枪射击场约会非常浪漫!

    As crazy as it sounds , taking a date to a rifle range is very romantic !

  15. 事发的汉堡与子弹射击场位于距离拉斯维加斯25英里远的莫哈维县。

    Bullets and Burgers is located in the Mojave desert , about 25 miles away from Las Vegas .

  16. 周六,《美国狙击手》的作者和另一人在德克萨斯州一射击场被杀。

    The author of American Sniper is one of two people killed at a Texas gun range Saturday .

  17. 体育场(馆)、游泳池(场)、溜冰场、营业性射击场;

    Stadiums ( gymnasiums ), swimming pools ( spots ), skating rinks and shooting ranges for business ; and .

  18. 我们来到凯佛顿射击场,我们并不知道自己已经被联邦调查局监视了。

    We arrived at Calverton Shooting Range , which unbeknownst to our group was being watched by the FBI .

  19. 凯尔认为让他放松下来的最佳办法是带他去射击场。

    Kyle felt the best way to get him to relax was to take him to a shooting range .

  20. 稍后他们前往铺有大理石地板的贵宾射击场,向画着纳粹僵尸图案的靶子射击,以此来给他们的婚姻誓约盖上印记。

    They later moved to the special marble-floored VIP shooting range to seal their vows by blowing away their Nazi zombie targets .

  21. 周一,39岁的查尔斯维卡从这个名叫子弹与汉堡的射击场被直升机送到医院后抢救无效而身亡。

    Charles Vacca , 39 , was pronounced dead Monday after being airlifted from the Bullets and Burgers shooting range to a hospital .

  22. 在这对新人宣读结婚誓言时,可以听到枪支发射的巨响从附近的射击场传来。

    As the couple said their vows , the loud sound of an assault weapon being fired could be heard from the nearby shooting range .

  23. 定价300英镑的枪支婚礼套系包括由一名正式任命的牧师来主持婚礼,然后新郎和新娘前往私人贵宾射击场一同发射5发子弹。

    The 300 package includes an ordained minister , access to a private VIP shooting range and five shots on a shotgun for the bride and groom .

  24. 众多撞击留下的深坑让我们的地球和月球表面坑坑洼洼,他们在向我们揭示,太阳系可能是个射击场,小星星和彗星像横飞的子弹一样不断地撞击着行星和他们的卫星。

    The many impact craters that have and Earth reveal our solar system can be like a shooting gallery , with asteroids and comets regularly striking planets and their companions .

  25. 小拜伦把他家祖屋的大厅变成了射击场,用人头骨做的酒杯喝酒,每天生活在酒池肉林中。

    The younger Byron turned the great hall of his ancestral home into a shooting gallery , drank from a cup formed from a human skull , and lived off nothing more than biscuits and wine .

  26. 从任何角度来说,如果太空变成一个射击场将人造卫星做射击目标,美国,做为世界上太空使用国的领头羊,将具有重大的麻烦和巨大的损失,双方都承认这一点。

    In any event , the us , as the world 's leading space-faring nation , has much at stake and much to lose if space becomes a shooting gallery and satellites the targets , both sides agree .

  27. 去年产后四个月即返回射击场的郭文珺,在女子10米气步枪的项目上成功卫冕,这是继奥运首金之后中国队在皇家炮兵军营体育场拿到的第二枚金牌。

    Guo Wenjun , who was back to shooting four months after giving birth to a girl last year , retained her women 's 10-meter air pistol title , earning China its second gold at the Royal Artillery Barracks .

  28. 他们在军队的射击训练场里闲晃。

    They were fooling around on an Army firing range

  29. 美国科罗拉多州今天发生两起枪击案有七人死亡,两人受伤。这两起枪击案一起发生在射击训练场,另一起发生在一所教堂停车场。

    Seven people have died and two have been injured in two shootings in the US state of Colorado , one at a missionary training centre , the other in a church car park .