
  • 网络Cover Story
  1. 《纽约杂志》(NewYorkMagazine)有关这个话题的封面报道选用的图片是一个西装革履的、貌似银行家的人物紧紧地护着裆部。

    A New York magazine cover story on the topic had a picture of a person in a suit , presumably a banker , holding his crotch .

  2. 但我认为,美国的主要问题并非最新一期《经济学家》(economist)的封面报道所述,无法消除结构性赤字,而是恰恰相反。

    But for me the main problem is not an inability to deal with the structural deficit , as the Economist argued in its latest cover story , but rather the contrary .

  3. 研究结果发布在《朗缪尔》(Langmuir)杂志上,是其封面报道。

    The results appear in the surface science journal Langmuir .

  4. 《巴黎竞赛》本周花了16页的篇幅做了封面报道。

    Paris-Match this week devoted a16-page cover story to the subject .

  5. 绪论主要介绍了新闻周刊及封面报道的界定、涵义及缘起。

    In the introduction section , the definition of news weekly and cover story with its contents and source .

  6. 他为《财富》撰写过关于苹果的封面报道,其中一些让乔布斯喜欢,另一些则让乔布斯厌恶。

    He wrote cover stories for Fortune about Apple , some of which Jobs liked , and some of which he hated .

  7. 《南方周末》的报道刚上摊,晚上封面报道的全文翻译就出来了。

    When the latest Nanfang Weekend was posted on the Internet , his full translation of the front cover story appeared in the evening .

  8. 法国政治家和商界领袖对英国周刊《经济学人》本周的封面报道感到十分愤怒,因为它将法国经济形容为欧洲货币最大的威胁。

    French politicians and business leaders have reacted angrily to British weekly magazine The Economist for its cover story this week . It describes the French economy as the biggest danger to Europe 's currency .

  9. 第一部分,在分析封面报道基本概念及其特征的基础上,重点从传播学角度分析了进行封面报道策划的必要性;

    First , the thesis not only analyses the basic conception and characteristic of cover story , but also brings forward the need of cover story scheming basing on the theory or journalism and communication .

  10. 第五章分别从特色就是财富、理论与实践结合、未雨绸缪居安思危,三个部分对我国新闻周刊封面报道的发展建言献策。

    In the fifth chapter , from the three angles : " feature " is wealth , the combination of theory and practices , precautions be prepared , I make suggestions to the development of cover story in our country .

  11. 此封面据报道是《GQ》二月刊封面,出版时间刚好与碧昂斯在2月3日(星期日)的超级碗(SuperBowl)半场表演时间、以及2月16日(星期六)HBO首播的碧昂斯个人纪录片时间应和。

    The cover is reportedly for the magazine 's February issue , which would coincide with Beyonce 's performance at the Super Bowl halftime show on Sunday , Feb. 3 , as well as the premiere of her HBO documentary on Saturday , Feb. 16 .

  12. 从选材方面来看,《南方人物周刊》的封面人物报道不仅仅注重选取在某一时段具有代表性的人物,而且在选取人物时注意以新闻性为重要的选取标准。

    From the selection point of view , Southern People Weekly reported that not only focus on the front cover of selected during a certain period of representative figures , but also when attention to the character select news of the importance of the selection criteria .

  13. 在过去的十年里,英国娱乐八卦新闻周刊杂志《Hello!》杂志封面进行专题报道过的婚礼中,有1/6(16%)的夫妇在六年内离婚,而国内名人的离婚率是7%。

    One in six couples ( 16 per cent ) whose wedding featured on the cover of Hello ! magazine in the past decade were divorced within six years , compared with a national average of 7 per cent .

  14. 首先从标题、采访对象来源和封面图片采撷三个角度入手,对《时代》周刊涉华封面报道的样本要素进行分析。

    First , analyzing sample elements from three angles such as the title , interviewer source and cover images .