
shòu xing
  • longevous;the god of longevity;an elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated
寿星 [shòu xīng]
  • (1) [longevo]∶称长寿的老人

  • (2) [the god of longevity]∶指老人星,古人把它作为长寿的象征,画成额头隆起的老人。也叫寿星老儿

  • (3) [an elderly person whose birthday is being celebrated]∶被祝寿的人

  • 今日我生辰,我是寿星

寿星[shòu xing]
  1. 通过比较,可以看出寿星在整个家庭中的地位在不断下降,寿仪的内容、形式与寿仪来源上也存在很大的变化。

    By comparison , we can see that the position of the god of longevity has incessantly decreased . The big change has been existed in the origin of the content , form and longevity rite .

  2. 细货手捏而成,题材多为春牛、老虎、大阿福、寿星等。

    Fine figurines are made by hand in the shapes of oxen , tigers , the God of Longevity and so on .

  3. 我爷爷和奶奶都是老寿星了。

    My grandparents are rather ancient .

  4. birthdaygirl:寿星那寿星要穿什么呢?

    Girl : What 's the birthday girl wearing ? -

  5. 只要你是这个月的寿星,那么在每月第一个周五,就和好友一起来D2过一个超嗨难忘的生日吧!

    If your birthday is coming this month , come D2 celebrate your birthday with friends in the first Friday of each month ! Dance !

  6. 寿星桃对桃蚜(MyzuspersicaeSulzer)的抗性评价及抗性机理的初步研究

    Evaluation of the Resistance to Green Peach Aphid ( Myzus persicae Sulzer ) of Dwarf Peach and Preliminary Studies on the Resistant Mechanism

  7. 那是一次意想不到的聚会,寿星是阿巴斯·基亚罗斯塔米(AbbasKiarostami),一位电影人、摄影师和诗人。他安静而谦逊地接受着人们的祝贺,和他在接受许多国际电影奖项时一样。

    It was a surprise get-together , and the guest of honor , Abbas Kiarostami - a filmmaker , photographer and poet - quietly and modestly received congratulations , the same way he had received dozens of international awards for his movies .

  8. 丹顶鹤的寿命有六十年,它是鸟类中的寿星。

    The lifespan of both pines and cranes are very long .

  9. 大家好,车上有个小寿星哦

    Hey , everybody . We got a birthday girl onboard .

  10. 寿星宝对记忆能力临床及实验研究

    Clinical and experimental research of Sou-Xing-Bao ( SXB ) on memory ability

  11. 寿星桃品种嫩梢的蚜虫数明显少于对照品种,说明寿星桃品种的叶片对桃蚜有一定的驱避作用。

    The dwarf peach variety had repellent effect on green peach aphid .

  12. 这城中的老寿星们一年聚会一次。

    This is an annual meeting of all the Sarpedons in town .

  13. 谁是小寿星呀,有人吗?

    Who 's the birthday girl ? Hey ! Hello ?

  14. 二十多岁的约瑟芬在猫咪里算是少见的寿星了。

    Josephine is a rare longevity for cats in her middle twenties .

  15. 寿星要默默的许个愿望,再吹灭蜡烛。

    Make the oldest to quietly look , and then Chuimie candles .

  16. 小寿星的礼物是什么?

    What 's the gift for the birthday kid ?

  17. 那个老头子看起来象是个老寿星吗?

    Does the old man look like a long-liver ?

  18. 现在包括寿星在内,所有的人都知道了。

    Now everyone knows , including the birthday girl .

  19. 老寿星也不会嫌寿长。

    None so old that he hopes not for a year of life .

  20. 玛丽,这个寿星婆,为了她的同事们的赠礼而向他们致谢。

    Mary , the birthday girl , thanked her colleagues for the gift .

  21. 我们有个特别的讯息给过寿星

    We have a special message for the birthday boy

  22. 好现在让女寿星给我们唱歌。

    Now the birthday girl will sing a song .

  23. 嘿你一定就是小寿星了

    Hey . Oh . Well , you must be the birthday boy .

  24. 寿星,这是给你的礼物。

    Miss Birthday , here is your present .

  25. 孔子活了72到73岁,少有的寿星。

    Confucius lived 72 to 73 years , a rare god of longevity indeed .

  26. 但今天的寿星狂野威利威尔·特里纳却是他们中的一员

    But birthday boy " Wild Willy " Will Traynor is certainly one of them

  27. 寿星一般要切蛋糕的第一刀,除非是太小父母才可以代劳。

    General oldest cake to the first knife is too small unless parents can do .

  28. 犹如寿星老儿来赴会。

    Like meeting the never old man .

  29. 我是今天的寿星:罗密欧和哥哥布鲁克林以及科鲁兹早已“卯足了劲”准备开心地玩一回了。

    Birthday boy : Romeo and his brothers Brooklyn and Cruz ere ready for fun .

  30. 我在那个摊头买了个寿星不倒翁。

    I bought a roly ? poly of the God of Longevity at that stall .